CH-2: Graduation

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3rd Person's POV:

"You're looking amazing!" Minho said while smiling. Iseul glanced at him and then looked down at herself. "But this is my school uniform." She said shortly. Minho sheepishly smiled. "But you still look amazing!" He said awkwardly, while Iseul was just looking at him blankly and then nodded.

She turned her head toward the window and continued to look outside. The car was again engulfed in a silence. Minho sighed. He attempted to at least crack a smile on her face, but she remained all serious and neutral. "Why don't you smile?" He asked.

Iseul turned to look at him, still with that neutral face. "What's there to smile? You didn't say anything funny, neither did I. So why shall I smile?" Minho sighed. "You will look happy if you smile." Iseul scoffed at that. "Why shall I fake my happiness?" Her statement made Minho sigh again and he lost the count of sighs he took in that twenty-minute ride.

The car stopped and Iseul was about to open the door, but Minho stopped her. "I agree that you shouldn't fake your happiness. But today is a big day. You are finally graduating and getting into a good college as well. I'm proud of you and so is everyone. You should feel at least good about your achievements that you are going to get today. At least smile and be happy for your hard work. If not so, then do it for me, please."

Iseul sighed and nodded and stepped out. "But only for the photos. Because I'm not feeling ecstatic enough to keep smiling for no reason. The achievements I'm getting tonight, is something I deserve, and I knew from the start that I'm going to get it. I already predicted that, so no need to fake excitement for something that I already knew." She turned and walked away.

Minho glanced at his phone and texted his friends that he has reached at Iseul's school. He got out of the car and the driver went to park it. Until a sudden realization hit him. He has lost Iseul! He looked around in the crowd and there was no sign of her. He walked inside in hopes of finding her and instead of going to the auditorium, started to search for her.

He constantly heard the dinging of his phone and took is out to contact her. He tried to call her but she didn't pick up, so he messaged her. He also messaged his friends that he lost Iseul and then after sending the message, a sudden realization hit him. It was him who was lost because Iseul knows the whole campus.

He face palmed and informed his friends again about him. He got a message from Iseul herself, who asked him where he is and he replied at the basketball court. She told him that she was coming to fetch him.

He heard footsteps from behind and saw his sister. "Where were you?" He asked her while gently holding her shoulder. "I went straight to the auditorium, where the ceremony is held. I thought you would follow me or you're smart enough to figure out that I would be there. But you're an idiot." She shook her head and dragged her brother to the auditorium.

Minho's jaw dropped when he saw Iseul receiving a straight A in all the subject and was ranked the highest. But that was not all. She was given some awards by the cultural department as well because of her participation in cultural activities and top ranks in activities like art and craft, singing, dancing, etc. Minho also got to know that she was also the school president and the head of SSG officers as well. She was the captain of the women's basketball team and her performance one of the top performances among the students from the past ten years.

"How are you so-" He couldn't complete his sentence when he saw his sister getting engulfed in a hug by someone. He raised his eyebrow when he saw Iseul smiling at the two boys. "Aww, you got everything!" One of them said. "Yes. At least you should have left one for me!" Another one whined. Minho noticed that like her, they were also some top students, by looking at their trophies marked as No. 2 and 3, whereas Iseul held the No.1.

"Well, not my fault that you are not as smart as me." She shrugged and now her attention went to Minho. She nudged her friends and pointed at Minho. "He is my brother, Minho. Oppa, they are my only friends, Kang Haru and Kang Naru. They are twins." The two boys bowed at him, and Minho bowed back at them. He didn't fail to notice that how she called them her 'only' friends. Although she met a lot of people and her schoolmates but didn't introduced Minho to anyone but only them.

"Oh, nice to meet both of you." He said and they smiled back at him. "I'm glad that Iseul has some good friends." He smiled and they nodded. "Well, it's nice to meet you two, sunbae-nim. But it's time to go now as our parents are waiting for us." Haru said and the two brothers bowed at him and then gave a quick hug to Iseul. "See you at the University." Naru smiled at her and then bid both of them goodbye and went with his brother.

Minho held his hand out in front of Iseul, who's smiled dropped, causing an ache in Minho's heart after seeing her action. She held his hand and gave it a small squeeze and a small smile with pressed lips. He pulled her to where their driver was waiting and sat inside with her. He took out his phone for a selfie and nudged Iseul to get her attention, she looked at the camera and Minho said,



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