CH-13: Roller Coaster of Emotions

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3rd Person's POV:

Apparently, no one wanted to be Chan's receding hairline, so the group settled down on the roller coaster. Iseul sat beside Naru. The boy wanted to sit beside a specific someone else but had to sit beside her because of her shooting him a very murderous glare. Although there was this boy, who was continuously eyeing her with the best smile on his face so that he can get a small amount of her attention, but failed to do so because of her clingy friend, who was attached to her all the time.

The ride ended, so did many lives. Minho, Jisung, Yeji, Eunji, Felix, and Changbin looked like that they just came from another dimension. Their hair sticking out, face spacing out and souls moving out. Some people like Hyunjin, Chan, Aera, Iseul, Haru, Naru, Seungmin and Jeongin enjoyed the ride very much and decided to go their together, with Aera again yelling what she yelled to made them come on it. But this time, none of them cared what are they going to be called, but denied the offer as soon as it was given to them.

The group decided to go to the haunted house. This time, Jisung yelling that if someone doesn't come, they are Bang Chan's underwear. The mentioned boy was ready to yeet the squirrel out to another dimension, but was held back by Changbin, who argued saying that he loves darkue and would like all of his friends to see his love of it. Naru and Haru immediately felt respected after being called as the muscular genome's friend.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Jeongin let out one of his dolphin screams, making half of them deaf. "How did you even manage to go that high?" Haru enquired the high schooler, who sheepishly smiled at him. "Okay, so we need 7 clues to get out. since we are 14, I suggest we divide into pairs." Iseul suggested, being the only one who wasn't afraid of anything. "Snatch whoever you can." She said and was about to grab Naru, but the boy took Eunji's wrist and went to another direction, leaving Iseul bewildered and confused.

"Aww, seems like your future boyfriends ditched you." Hyunjin sassily said and scoffed. He willingly offered his own wrist, but she turned around to catch Haru, but the later seem to be dragged away by Jeongin, who was continuously shouting in his ears how brave and strong he looks and is. Iseul stared at them again with confusion and the looked at her favorite 'Oppa' among the friends her brother had but caught a chicken attaching himself to him.

She looked at Aera, who obviously disappeared with her boyfriend, making Iseul doubt whether they will find any clues or not. She looked at Chan, but the later was already walking inside further with Seungmin, both of them looking like they will faint any minute. Iseul looked around only to find that Yeji, Minho, Hyunjin and her were the ones remaining. "Shall all four of us go together? We can separate into pairs, when we go outside. No need to tell the others about it." Minho suggested. "I agree. It's scary here." Yeji looked around. Hyunjin nodded happily, 'if not with you, then at least not away from you.' His thoughts were but by Iseul's sharp, "NO!"

Iseul didn't know how she even ended up here. Here as in this amusement park. She was thinking of visiting somewhere but was forced to come here and to her dismay, that squirrel boy also got her friend's number, shared it to everyone in their group and asked them to join them. Now, she even can't say no to those two puppies as she just loves them too much to deny their requests.

She sighed for the nth time when she was pushed to the front where stood an actor, in a zombie attire. He growled at her, and she gave him a bored look. She shook her head and walked ahead, in search for some hints. They were supposed to find two clues but found only one that was a quiz. "Seriously? What is the name of the biggest technology company in South Korea? Obviously, it's Samsung. Like a little toddler here knows very well what Samsung is." She slapped the card on Minho's hand and the later examined it and put it inside his pocket.

"Now the second clue." She crouched down to pick up the second clue she found, all by herself and read it. She sighed, "What video game does Thor get's addicted to in Avengers: End Game? Okay, that's the one that Felix plays all the time, but still seems like a beginner. Fortnite-" She was cut off by loud scream of two girls- wait, she came here with only one girl and two boys. Where did the voice of the boys go? She looked around and saw the two Hwangs were hiding behind her brother- who was standing in front of them- no not willingly, they both pushed him to the front.

Iseul shook her head and walked to them to see that there was a large spider casually sitting there, looking at them boredly. It turned its body toward Iseul as if to say that- I was minding my own business. She shook her head and caught her brother by his collar and dragged him toward the other direction, the two Hwangs following closely behind them, still attached to Minho. Iseul again slapped the card on her brother's hand, who repeated the action he did earlier and they scurried toward the other's direction to search for them.

"We found two clues, new let's find the others and get out of here."


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