CH-25: Butterflies

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3rd Person's POV:

Hyunjin opened his eyes and saw the most beautiful sight he has ever seen. Iseul cuddling with him and sleeping with a pout. He propped himself up with one arm and stared down at her sleeping figure, with an idiotic grin. "Is this how we feel when in love?" He smiled down at the girl and remembered her confession and their small make out session.

Iseul squirmed and opened her eyes slowly. She looked at Hyunjin, who was smiling down beautifully. Everything came into realization, and she widened her eyes. She immediately covered her whole face with the blanket. "What happened?" Hyunjin asked, caught off guard. "Did I snore?" She asked in a tiny voice. He chuckled. "No, but I wouldn't mind if you did." "So, I did?" Hyunjin chuckled again. "No, you didn't." He tried pulling the blanket off her face. "Come on! Show me yourself. What happened to you?" Iseul slowly peeked from the blanket. "I don't know. I'm suddenly feeling shy."

She removed the blanket from her and sat up completely, Hyunjin following her action. He back hugged her. "I love you." Iseul smiled. "I love you too. But I think I should get going, before the others wake up." She removed his grip from her and stood up. "I think you should take a shower as well. Use Minho Oppa's clothes." She smiled and pecked his cheek for the last time, before slowly tiptoeing out of the room.

Hyunjin layed down flatly on the bed, while giggling and kicking his feet. The door suddenly opened, startling him. In came Minho, who eyed him. "Why do you look so happy?" He questioned with furrowed eyebrows. "U-Uh, just had a good dream." "Of Iseul confessing to you? Huh, that will only happen in your dreams." He laughed at him and went to his bathroom. Hyunjin glared at him and held inside his urge to yell back at him that she has already confessed to him.

Iseul walked inside the classroom and her gaze met with Hyunjin's who was wearing a blue turtleneck with black pants and looked as ethereal as ever. Iseul's eyes widened and so did Hyunjin's when he saw her. She also wore a blue turtleneck with black pants. Hyunjin chuckled and waved at her. She waved back and sat down beside him.

"You're looking gorgeous, princess." She smiled at him. "And you're looking good as well, peasant." He playfully glared at her, and she chuckled. They were both being furiously eyed by Haru and Naru, who listened to their flirting looked at each other. They saw that they were wearing matching clothes and immediately Naru shrieked, "ARE YOU DATING EACH OTHER?" Some of the students heard him and whipped their heads towards the couple.

"Maybe?" Hyunjin winked at him and put an arm on her shoulder, pulling her close. "We look good together, don't we?" He asked the other students in the class, who were eyeing them as well. A boy whistled, "WE FOUND THE COUPLE OF THE YEAR!" He jumped and ran out of the class.

"But- How?" Haru questioned while looking at Hyunjin and then at Iseul. "Just confessed." Iseul shrugged and turned ahead. Hyunjin pecked her cheeks, making her feel butterflies in her stomach. "What the-" He shushed her. "But when are we going to be official?" She asked and Hyunjin hummed. "After the dinner on this weekend with my family." He told her and she grimaced. "I thought my family was the worse, but your is much worse than me." She pouted and he also shook his head.

"I hope that they listen to me."


They whole group sat down in the cafeteria. All of them were looking at each other in confusion, especially at the new addition on the table. Minho eyed Iseul with concern. She has become too much sweet and happy since the morning, but he only saw it as a mood swing or something, but it baffled him when she cutely asked him to sit with them and it now irked him when he saw Hyunjin and her wearing matching outfits and sitting too much close to each other, too close for his liking. Too close that they looked like they are attached to each other.

Haru and Naru were busy in a conversation with Changbin and Jisung, about the gym equipments and exercises, so they sat on the other side, but Iseul skipped and sat between Hyunjin and Felix. Felix was now also eyeing them suspiciously and was now getting concerned that the girl was paying no attention to her fragile and chicken brother.

"THERE IS OUR COUPLE OF THE YEAR!" They heard someone's loud voice and whipped their head towards the direction. They saw Kevin- the same boy who started Jisung and Aera's fake (or so they thought) dating rumor because of his own misunderstanding back in high school (A sweet reference from Miserable). He and his gang members approached their table and Jisung and Aera smiled cheekily and waved at him.

Jisung stood up enthusiastically. "So, we are this year's couple of the year?" He asked smiling and pointing at himself and Aera beside him, who was smiling as well. Kevin stopped in his tracks and looked both of them. "NOO." He sassily shrugged. Jisung's smiled fell. "Then why did you point in our direction. We are the only couple on this table." Kevin scowled. "No, there is one more couple on this table."

He approached and held both Hyunjin's and Iseul's wrist and pulled them up. "OUR COULPE OF THE YEAR! HWANG HYUNJIN AND LEE ISEUL!" Minho choked and coughed badly, while Hana also choked, both at the same time and from the different sides of the cafeteria. Both of their eyes met, and they glared at each other. "QUIT COPYING ME, JEON!" "QUIET COPYING ME, LEE!" They both said at the same time from the different side of the cafeteria.

"QUIET!" The whole cafeteria quieted down after hearing the voice of the one, who was the least one to shout. The boy stood up and turned to Iseul and Hyunjin, "Mind explaining?" Felix smiled dangerously at them. He held their wrists and dragged them out of the cafeteria while skipping. Minho followed them, along with the others as well.

Felix dragged them into an empty classroom and made them sit in front of him. Hyunjin and Iseul looked at each other and then both shrugged. "What happened between you two?" He asked and they gulped. "Nothing special." Hyunjin shrugged. Minho came barging inside, along with the others as well. "Are you together?" He asked with wide eyes.

"No, not yet. But we confessed." Iseul told all of them with a straight face but was freaking inside. "Finally." Chan sighed and smiled widely. "THEY ARE GONNA BE THE VISUAL COUPLE OF OUR GROUP!" Changbin happily exclaimed. "No, that would be me and Hana." Minho daydreamed. "Hyung, she is a Jeon." Jisung reminded him. "Shit!" He cursed under his breathe. "So, when will you be official?" Seungmin asked. "After the dinner on weekend with my parents." Hyunjin replied.

They looked at Iseul. "You know about the dinner as well?" Eunji carefully asked and Iseul nodded. "We promised that we won't keep things as a secret from each other, intentionally and told me last night that what his parents are planning." They all nodded. "But Wait! When did all of this happened?" Minho asked looking at them suspiciously. "Umm, last night?" Hyunjin answered, more like a question. "What? When? You immediately went to sleep, right?" He asked and Hyunjin nodded but then smirked and looked at Iseul, who looked away.

"Uhh, I went inside your room, to meet you, but found him and he was having a nightmare so I kind of helped him? Anyways, he started to ramble and all, so I just kissed him and confessed-" "WHAT??" Minho shrieked. "YOU KISSED?" Felix shrieked as well. "Uh, yeah?" She replied and then looked at Hyunjin, who was sweating under their gazes. "I-I w-wasn't the one who k-kissed first! It w-was her!" He defended himself and Iseul nodded cutely. "Aren't you happy for me, Oppa?" He pouted at Minho, who softened immediately at her. "This is a trap. This is a trap. This is a trap." Felix mumbled to himself. "Lixie?" Iseul called him in a cute voice, and he sighed. "Fine. I'm happy for both of you." He smiled softly at them.

"Well then we are going to have one more couple with us."


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-Hyunjin's Lost Tooth

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