CH-16: And The Actual Show Begins...

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3rd Person's POV:

After the chaotic day at the amusement park, Hyunjin's mind was clouded by only the thoughts of the one and only- Lee Iseul. He pleaded and whined like a child to her and finally got her number. He cheerfully came in his class, which he shared with Iseul, and sat down in front of the desk where she sits, waiting for her. It was a relief to him that Ara didn't share this specific class with him, and he can snatch a chance to sit next to Iseul.

He waved enthusiastically when he saw Iseul entering. She waved back at him, with obviously only 1% of energy the boy was showing to her. He motioned to the seat beside him, and she looked at her two friends, who nodded and pushed her to sit down. "Hey Iseul." Hyunjin gave her one of those smiles, which made Jia scream in horror (you can only understand this if you read Miserable *shamelessly promotes*).

"Hii." She said out loud with a small smile and started to put her books out. Hyunjin copied her actions and they both soon got engulfed in a conversation with Haru and Naru as well. But none of them were aware of the curious eyes that were watching them.

"Yah! Why are they suddenly so friendly?" "I don't know?" "Are they dating?" "How is this possible? Hyunjin is dating Ara." "No, they had a breakup last week." "What? Really?" "Yes, but no one knows how." "Maybe he likes Iseul?" "They look good together though." "No, they don't." "No, they do. Don't worry, Iseul will obviously not choose you." Murmurs and whispers filled the classrooms between both girls and boys, until the professor arrived.

Iseul sighed and walked to her locker. She peacefully kept her books inside. As she was doing her own business, she heard someone yell. She chose to ignore it and continued to zip her bag. Suddenly she felt someone pulling her hair and forcefully pushing her back towards the lockers. Some students in the hallway gasped. Iseul scrunched her nose and clutched her shoulder painfully.

She looked up and saw five girls in front of her, standing with their arms crossed. "Not even a month in new place and already someone's trying to get rid of me." She mumbled to herself and rolled her eyes. She pushed her hair back, which fell in front of her face when she was pushed. "Yes?" He boredly asked. The one in the center took a step forward. She wore a bright yellow colored top, with black skirt and bright yellow boots. 'Seems rich, but no fashion sense at all.' She thought to herself.

"How dare you?" The girl, who was throwing the most menacing look possible, asked her. "Dare me what?" Iseul asked and looked at her watch. Her last class was over, and she was planning on to go and check for the basketball club, but suddenly this bumble bee decided to waste her time. "Don't act so clueless!" The bee shouted. Iseul rolled her eyes, "Trust me, I'm not acting at all. I'm actually clueless." Iseul reasoned. "YOU STOLE MY BOYFRIEND FROM ME!!!" She said out very loud, loud enough for her so called 'boyfriend' to hear, who was in the other hallway, with the eight of his friends.

"Yah! Who was that? Some drama seems to be happening there." Minho chuckled, wishing to see the drama by his own eyes. "The voice seems familiar." Jisung said. "I thought it was Ara for a second." Eunji laughed, suddenly all of them stopped. "I think that was Ara." Changbin said and they all collectively looked at Hyunjin. Suddenly they saw the University's nerd rushing in their direction. He was running so fast, that when he tried to stop himself, he fell directly face first in front of Chan.

"Oh no, you okay, mate?" Chan asked with concern, helping him stand up. "Hey, hey, hey, what happened? Why are you running so wildly?" Felix asked and being the sunshine he was, offered him water. The boy was panting. He looked at them, "A-Ara... a-accused Iseul... she beating..... I-Iseul....... wi-with h-her friends...... Need hel-Help th-there-"

He wasn't able to finish himself when he was pushed aside like how once Felix was pushed and the seven boys and two girls were running to where they assumed Iseul was. They saw a loud crowd formed and they penetrated their way through it to come to the front. The scene in front of them made all of their jaws to drop on the ground.

"What the fuck did you just call me? *punch* I ain't a bitch like you. *punch* Not my fault that your man's isn't interested in you. *punch* Stay away from me now onwards. *punch* And don't think of reporting me to the administration. *punch* I have a full video of you bully a high school kid *punch* and also a student from the other department. *kick*." Iseul finished her rant and stood up. She looked around at the four girls and scoffed.

She herself was bleeding from nose and had bruises here and there. Obviously, it was an unfair match, five versus one. But who are we kidding for? She is Lee Iseul. She would have not done anything to them, if they just stayed in their limits, but they first pulled her hair, pushed her, making her injure her shoulder, kicked her in the stomach and even yelled disrespectful profanities at her. She lost her mind when she was called an attention seeker and nothing much more than that. Did they though she was weak? Or just would cry and not say anything to them? Nope, not at all. Maybe she was an attention seeker in other's eyes, but she never ever intended to become one.

She wiped the blood from her lips and nose. Her eyes landed on the individuals who stood there, like ghosts. "LEE ISEUL!" Minho yelled at her. She rolled her eyes, already knowing what was coming. Minho glared and harshly grabbed her wrists. He dragged her away from there, with Felix following behind with worry in his eyes. "What happened here?" Seungmin questioned one of the students and he explained the whole story to them. Chan sighed and rubbed his temple. "What happened, Hyung?" Hyunjin asked, feeling guilty for everything.

"Iseul is about to get into a big trouble."


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-Hyunjin's Lost Tooth

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