The day.

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"Run!" I yelled. My body was shaking , I woke up , Dimitri was holding me. "Rose, roza my roza it's OK." He said. I was breathing hard, my dream, the nightmare was horible it felt so real and so heart breaken I could feel that it could have crashed my soul. "Dimitri Jill is coming...but they wont leave with out a fight except if I give up my self to him" I said just wanting to get everything out . Wanting to get my hidden deal out . "No rose it was just a dream, calm down today is going to be a beautiful and wonderful day, and we are going to have a great day." He said, he thought I was talking about the dream. I just took a deep breath and let it out...and faked a smile "You're right today is going to be a good day" I said knowing that it becomes night it well all be gone... we we're running on a human schedule... which was perfect for this day. I got up and went to check on the babies which they were sound asleep. "Hey rose in the morning I heard the phone ring who was it? " he asked it was 9:30 am and Robert called at 6:30 am , just when dimitri was coming in from work "Oh it was those stupid offers they make, I wonder why they called early though, did you hear anything? " I asked "No just that you answered and then I went to take a shower. Why?" He said "Oh it's just I was busy sleeping that call made me mad I kind off cussed them out" I lied I heard a noice a little baby was awake. I got up and opened the room that was just outside ours put at the same time inside ours, "aundria, what are doing up so early." I said to her, so sweet and innocent. I bent over her beautiful moses crib, both babies got one, from the Ivashkov family . Each side of the room had a different color blue for Aleksandr and the other side pink for Aundria, lissa decorated so beautiful. I heard the other one wake up. I picked her and went to get the other one I walked in the room Dimitri already getting up, he got hold of Aundria. "They both woke up. Ima feed them and then we well get ready" I told him
"Good thing this event is private and only some people well be coming because I would have to wear that big puffy heavy dress." Said Lissa, We we're finishing getting ready for the baptism, she was with me at my place. my little babies were all ready except for me of course I needed too put on my heels. "Rose you look good." Lissa said I look my self in the mirror I had a black and white flared short dress with a white jacket and a nude smoky eye makeup and red lips. My hair was up in a braided hair style. " I know hey you should wait with me outside, I'll be out with the babies in a minute, "OK." She said she went to get her stroller where Adela was in. She got out and I rapidly put on my heels and went to get my letters out I got a sticky note and wrote down sorry, but please remember I well always be your equal and you're always going to be my equal ~Rose. I left it in the table next to our bed. I got the storler that holds both babies and went outside with the others with a happy smile on but a broken heart inside.
"In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit I baptize Aleksandr Mason Belikov Hathaway and Aundria(Andrea) Nadiya Belikova Hathaway." Said the father after the ceremony we went to the reservation at the restaurant that was only being used by The Queen and her guests "I feel bad for that people that makes your hairstyle, you have have a bunch of hair." Said Adrian. I turned around and there he was with Sydney and little Evelyn. "I say the same thing, so what did "Lord Adrian Ivashkov" bring as a present today?" I said jokingly as I remember when they we're delivering the Moses for the babies. "Well as I have to live up for the name, I gave them something really good and worth it." He said a with a proud and firmly voice. Sydney was just smiling the whole time. "Sydney your husband doesn't even let you talk." I said "Yea but when we want to order pizza, it's me who does the whole talking." She said jokingly I giggled and gave her a hug they went to set down I went to go greet some other people that we're invited, It was really mostly dhampirs and like 5 moroi families in here when we finished greeting everyone I went to set down with Dimitri and his Family and my Family. "Rose would have been a spoil brat if she had ever lived with us as a family" I heard my father say. "Yea but I didn't and I'm not." I said My father, Abe, was hold Aundria and Dimitris sister was holding Aleksander "How many more kids do you want Rose?" My father ask "Like if it was easy to have them...but if I could maybe 4 more." I said jokingly and laughed at how Dimitri turned red. "No im playing, for right know I'm going to stick of what I have. " I said more serious "That's good, because you also have your Guardian duties on hold." My mother said.
"Yes mother I know." I said
After every one eating we got up and talked to people, some people dance and joked and I was just hiding my fear with a smile pretending that I was enjoying my time.
It was nine o'clock it was hitting close too nine thirty o'clock. I got dimitris' hand "Hey everyone, I would like to appreciate all of you for coming todahy and want to thank Queen Vasilisa for making this happen and a short amount of time, it has been a great time able to be around all of you and able to bring love to my little ones." I said, feeling that if I said more I would actually tear up." I also to appreciate all of you coming and able to join Rosemarie and I and able to see this amazing miracle of our love." Dimitri said, the clapped and then I grabbed him and kissed him, my last kiss "Roza, are you OK?" He said, probably feeling the love and passion I kissed him. "Yes I am, I'm just so happy." I said, he smiled and kissed my forehead. I then went to get both my babies, spending my last minutes with them. "Why so alone rose?" Lissa said I lifted my head she was with Olena. "Hey lissa what time is it? " I asked "15 minutes until 9:30, why?" Lissa said "Oh just wondering, I really need to go pee." I said "Well here give them to us and go pee." Said Olena , I gave Aundria to lissa and Aleksandr too Olena. I kissed them both on the cheek "Please lissa take care of them really good ok" I said looking at her right in the eye. "I well rose don't worry, you're just going peeing." Lissa said with laugh. I just nodded and kissed them again "Mrs.Belikov if anything please help dimitri with them." I told her "Rose go pee nothing is going to happen hurry before you pee your self." She said, I ran to dimitri "hey im going to the bathroom your mom and lissa have the babies, look out for them,and take care" I said "OK rose, you are acting weird, are you nervous or something?" He said "No just a little tired. Love you" I said. He smiled "Love you too rose, now go pee." He said, I got out and ran to the bathroom and changed as fast as I could,I but on some guardian gear just in case, I ran to the back of the court and found and exit, the sirens went on, Jill was back, know it was my turn for the trade, I ran toward the exit, I heard someone yelling, Dimitri I turned back and I saw him "You don't have to do this Rose, we can win this." I heard him say, no right now robert was the most powerful strigoi, he would destroy everything in our lifes "I'm sorry Dimitri, I'm so sorry take care of them I love you all and don't forget it." I yelled and turned around and gave him my back, I got out and got captured by Robert, and heard Dimitri's scream my name that it broke my soul into pieces.
Guys I want to cry LOL, I would be more sentimental but I feel like rose is much stronger and could hold anything in and face anything....sorry Guys for the late update but it's finally here, if any mis spellings or misunderstandings please feel free to correct me or ask me, I put a picture of the kids room and their Moses cribs.... I'm so obsessed with those Moses cribs Lol.... I put the outfit rose was wearing and the hairstyle. I also added a photo of the clothes for the babies baptism... I am not Catholic or know anything about a babies baptism but it was the only thing I came up with. Guys I have bad news I won't be able to post for a month because I'm going on vacation but i might leave the story written down and have my friend update the story each week, idk i think i should what do you all thibj i should do? Well i hoped you enjoyed it and Hasta la vista, until the next time .

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