The Vampire Theory

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"What are yall both out of your minds, and since when does Christian became a philosopher." I said, this was stupid, well actually I  wanted to believe them.

"If so how is this all possible? Do yall have prove? " my mother said

"We been working on a vaccine where a dhampirs basic DNA can match up to a moroi, with a little of earth magic and spirit and moroi blood cells." Lissa said

"What do you mean with magic and moroi blood cells?" Adrian spoke

"The earth magic and spirit magic well allow to combine a dhampirs blood to a moroi's so the Dhampir can have the genetics to concieve a baby" Christian said

"Wait hold up so how can a moroi and a dhampir have a baby if a dhampir doesn't have the genetics to conceive a baby?" I asked

"Don't you get it Rose, the moroi is the one conceiving the baby not the Dhampir, if a dhampir guy is having sex with a moroi women well the moroi is the one conceiving the baby, moroi's genes are much stronger because they are fully vampires, you have both the genes of a human and a vampire , which makes you strong but the blood is week. Thats why a dhampir and a dhampir can't have a baby cause there blood is weak there genes to conceive a baby is weak and it makes like a negative connection , a dhampir and a moroi can because the moroi's blood is stronger and fully vampire. " Lissa said.

"So really it's the moroi only making the baby." I said

"If you want to see it that way will yea it's mostly the moroi because of there genes." Lissa said

"Im still kind of lost." Adrian said

"I get it." Sydney said

"Well I think you well Have to explain me the vampire theory at home" Adrian said

"Ill add pictures so you can understand and not repeat the whole thing" Sydney said

"Kay you do that my love." Adrian said

"Im not hungry anymore." Jill said

"If you may please excuse me,ill see you in the morning sister " Jill said standing up and leaving with eddie. From the corner off my eyes I saw Abe, boy was he pissed."Oh oh there it goes." I murmured

"Queen Vasilisa, not to be rude or mean to you, but why the hell didnt you involve me or at least let me help you" Abe said

"Because I knew you would react like this,  I wanted to be, I don't know, mysterious, I wanted to investigate something my self, only two moroi scientists were involved, Christian Ozera and Me. While I was at the university I took a class behinds Rose back, on her breaks I would go with Guardian Rivers, and well Christian also put some time and took classes online and worked with some royal scientist."

"And how did you prove the vaccine worked?" Dimitri asked

"With guardian Rivers, he has the moroi genes to conceive a baby with someone, but he yet doesn't know because this is top secret." Christian said

"And when well you prove.we actually can have a baby,when well you try the vaccine on Dimitri, and when well you say the news to everyone?" I asked

"Good questions Rose, but I'll answer them once your married, with Dimitri of course." Lissa said and my mouth feel open


Hi guys, well what do you think of The vampire theory, did yall get it?? Tell me of you didn't get it so i can explain in chapter 17 well thanks guys . Enjoy

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