A week before the big day

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"Oh my God, what if I accidentally say no, oh my, my vows, I got to write them ." I said I was so nervous, I looked at the binder that was full of wedding stuff, it had the decorations, the reservation, it had everything in. My ornaments for the tables had been white and red rose pedals layered out,with some candles floating in water. We were going to get married at the moroi church, my dress was ready will  today is going to be my final and last fitting, I had my heels ready  my make-up and hair style too. Everything was in place

"Its a good thing you choosed the rose red color for the bridesmaid dresses, it well fit both a dhampir, human,and morois color skin" Jill said. She was looking at the bridesmaid dresses they were beautiful, long chiffon dress, my bridesmaids were Jill,Sydney,Sonya,Angeline, Victoria, dimitri's sister,and Lissa ,well after she finishes marrying us by the moroi law, also the United States law, now that she had the certificate to marry us by law.

"I can't believe im marrying my own best friend and guardian " Lissa said happily.

"I can't believe it either. " I said

"So I already have Dimitri's family on the plane they well be here by tomorrow. " Sonya said

"Thank you sonya, I will let Dimitri know." I said

"Umm Rose,were going to be late for your fitting we should go." Sydney said .

"Ok and Angeline your turn then. Take care of them good" I said to Angeline she would be taking my shift while I go to my fitting, Lissa had other stuff to do.


"It's beautiful." Sydney said. I had my wedding dress on and it was perfect.

"I know, Sydney have you seen your family? " I asked

"No,dad isn't allowed to come or zoe, cause of the Alchemist thing. And my mom is trying to get her head straight about the whole vampire thing, and carly she is doing her own life." Sydney said I felt bad because of everything.

"Why don't you invite your sister, we could send her a jet plane and she can come." I said

"Would you really like me to invite her, but you have your invite list full and they already received a invitation. " Sydney said

"We can always fit another chair in a table. " I sad smiling

"Oh,Rose thank you, ill see if she well be able to make it." Sydney said  hugging me

"Ask your mom too, has she even meet Evelyn? " I asked

"Nope,and I bet she would want to, ill ask her." Sydney said happily.

"Well get to it" I said she got her phone and started making her calls I felt good because I wanted everyone in my wedding to be happy.

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