Dhampir Baby

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It was Sydney's scream. "Adrian!!!" I heard Sydney say, well scream. "Rose can you come in with me she already broke.my fingers. " Adrian said. showing me his hand. "Aren't you taking her to a hospital?" I asked. "Nope, our plan was having the baby here." Adrian said . What fuck did they want me to like help Sydney out and recieve her baby. I don't know anything about that. I had a confused face on. "No don't worry someone is in there I just need a Strong dhampir to be with her." Adrian said probably guessing what I was thinking. I nodded and followed Adrian inside "Adri-Rose, oh my God this is so painful, ugh" Sydney screamed I made a face that said I don't think its that bad "Ugh Rose when your in my place, Let's see if you like me doing a face like that" Sydney said, and it hurt I think the pain was worst then tasha shooting me. "Oh Rose im so sorry, I didn't mean it" Sydney said "No, its ok lets bring a baby to this world." I said. I went over to grab Sydney's hand Adrian did too "Ok, Sydney on the count of three push, one-two-three." The moroi midwife said. And Sydney pushed. "Ok one more time one-two-three" the midwife said. Sydney pushed and I heard a baby cry . A little Dhampir Baby came into the world.

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