Unexpected Person

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I immediately acted and went to stand by Lissa, No one was coming towards her but I still stood in front of her, every guardian in the room went into action, some surrounding the Queen and others protecting the people.  The front doors opened, and I heard a voice I thought I would never hear again. "Oh my dear nephew, why didn't you dare to invite me to your daughters ceremony. " Tasha said. I almost jumped into attack mode but a hand grabbed my shoulder, Christians hand. "No,Rose let me handle this" he said yea sure Christian, you think ima stay quiete, or if this whole gang is going too,nope they aren't. I wanted to say the to Christian but I didnt answer, then  tasha did " Oh, Rose always trying to protect the people you love. " she said. "Well you see its kind of my job and also my instinct, anyways  what do you want Tasha " I said "I just want to meet my niece, I heard she got Christians black hair,and the Dragomir eyes." she said "Yea she does. If you already know how she looks why are you here, and how did you get out" Lissa said. "Well I wanted to see with my own eyes , and well with everyone trying to have this event secured, they lowered the guardians in there, with just some moves of mine and magic plus a little compulsion, well I managed to get out." Tasha said. She would be executed, in a couple of weeks for killing Tatiana Ivashkov , after 5 years Lissa managed to say yes to the execution, Tasha was royal so there was many debates between the counsel and Lissa,  but it took more time mainly because of Christian, she felt bad taking away his only close family.  But with the time he became closer with the other Ozeras, He and one of his cousins were like brothers know.  And Lissa felt better about the final decision. Tasha was already in the front but out of no where she grabbed Sydney and got hold of little Evelyn, everyone started to scream. "Tasha, please give Evelyn back too Sydney. " Lissa said. Tasha was crazy she could possibly burn the little baby. The Guardians started to move, and tasha started a little small fire in her hand. "Try something and I'll burn this little one, in seconds " Tasha said. Sydney started to panic.  "The Alchemist baby,how wonderful, who knew a human, no a Alchemist would get involved with a Moroi." Tasha said. "Especially an Ivashkov." she added. "Fuck of my kid , you fucking bitch of a murderer " Adrian said. "Oh my, what can you do? " Tasha said with an evil type of laugh "Aunt tasha, what do you want?" Christian said in a pleading wah "I want to meet my niece thats all." she responded, "Tasha please,hand Sydney her baby back" Dimitri said out of no where. 

"Oh, Dimka, long time no see, I still wonder why stuff happened the way it happened, but then I know why, if you would have choosen me well stuff could be different, but no you decided the little whore of Rose." she said. oh little fucking bitch , she just called me a whore. "Rose no" Lissa said getting hold of me. Tasha begin her fire again "My patience is running away, I want to meet my little niece" Tasha said getting the fire closer to little Evelyn, "Tasha no please." Sydney said pleading, and looking at us to do something.  "Tasha we'll let you see Adela, but hand over Evelyn to her mother" Lissa said. "Nope first come with Adela, or deal is off." Tasha said and Lissa started to move.


Well maybe yall guesses tasha was going to be the unexpected person.  Lol well i want to thank VABrallie_ for voting and reading the story. thank you.

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