Who am I?

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Rose's POV
My head was spinning like crazy, I was so confused and afraid, I was not sure what was happening and who these people were around me. The only person I recognize was Vasilisa. And anger shit through me.
"You! It's all your fault, you killed my family, you ruined my life!" I yelled. Everyone looked confused and tried to calm me down but it wasn't working.
"Rose, you are not thinking straight, calm down." Said a man with bright green eyes and I listened.
"Her aura isn't right, it's like it's been modified." He said
"Her usual colors that she has are in the wrong order, she still looks bright with you" he said as he looked at the tall man with long hair. "But something is wrong."  He continued.
"Why would she say that ?" Asked Vasilisa
"Because you did, they told me all about you." I said angrily
"This looks like another spirit users work." The guy with green eyes spoke again
"I see that too, but that's impossible Robert turned into a Strigoi, his power should be gone." Vasilisa said
"Unless he was working with someone." Green eyes said
"Who are you? Who are all of you?" I said trying to understand was happening.
"I'm Adrian, and your are Rose, Lisa's guardian. Tall guy here is Dimitri your husband, blue eyes is Christian Ozera your best friend's who happens to be Lisa and also the queen's husband, my wife Sydney" he said as he point out to everyone "Lisa's sister Jill, Eddie her guardian, and your mom Janine Hathaway" he finished.
I laughed out loud
"You guys really think I believe that bullshit" I said as I shivered
"There is no way I'm married, there is no way my mother is alive, and there is no definitive way that she is my nest friend." I said angrily
I started to kick and yell, my mind was going crazy , my head was only focused on one thing and it was revenge for my family. A person, Doctor, came in
"I'm putting a sedative on her" he said and I moved and kicked even more but eventually they got to me and my world went blank.
Dimitri's POV
I couldn't believe my eyes, she didn't recognize any of us.
"She was fine when we got to her." I said
"I know I saw her to, she knew who we were, how did she forget us all of the sudden." Rose's mother said.
"It looks like a cow's curse." Sydney said
"It's a curse that witches use for people to forget, and it uses an a cows eye and hair or something personal to complete it." She finished
"How can we un-do it." I asked
"It's easy but we need an egg, salt and a glass of water." She said
I moved to get the items as fast as I could, I have been without her so long, I was so desperate. Once I got back, Sydney asked us to go outside, she did some prayers and eventually began. I was pacing back and forth.
"Belikov, she will be fine." Christian said, I nodded but it was just so frustrating.
After 30 minutes, Sydney told us to come back in, she showed us the egg and how bad it was inside it.
"The evil eye" she said as she watched a grey cloud form.
Rose's POV
I woke up to crying, and corner of my eyes I saw Lisa holding Aundria. And my head snapped, memories flashed through mind like flashes and I was in total shocked. I shivered.
"It's not a dream?" I spoke, everyone looked up.
"Roza." I heard Dimitri's voice
"Comrade." I said with a smile.
They later explained to me that, someone had influenced black magic with spirit magic and once Sydney was able to clear the evil eye, Lissa and Adrian were able to heal me from the darkness a spirit user had use. The only question was how did this all come to play and what did it mean. At this point I didn't care, I wanted to see my babies. They gave me both Aundria and Aleksandr. They were so big and adorable, I had tears down my face. I thought I would never ever see them again, but here I was holding them again.
"We are glad you are back." Said Lissa. I smiled and then commotion broke outside the room.
My instincts kicked in but I was to weak to move. Christian began a fireball in his hand and Dimitri moved in front of the room. Sydney and Adrian came to the side of my bed. There was yelling and it sounded like Eddie voice, along with Jill's and another persons voice.
"Please calm down" We heard Jill say. I looked at Adrian to see if he knew what was happening
"One way bond" he commented. Lissa moved toward the front.
"It's ok Dimitri, I think I got it." She said.
Christian out out his fire ball and Dimitri put his stake back. Lissa opened the door.
"What the hell is going on." Lisa said in her demanding voice. Eddie, Jill, and another moroi that seemed to be a Royal were outside, they all bowed down and the moroi spoke up
"Your majesty, we are sorry for the commotion." He said.
"What is going on." Lisa said looking at Jill.
"Nothing. Eddie is not understanding, and is thinking wrong." Jill said
"What do you mean?" Lisa said
"Xavier Badica, he is a friend and Eddie is thinking more than should be thought." Jill said
"Eddie, you're on duty, personal matters should be dealt with in personal time. As for Jill and Mr. Badica, it would be more appropriate and appreciate if you guys would to leave for now. Jill you can come tomorrow when everyone and everything is better." Lissa said.
Nothing scared me more than hearing Lissa be a queen, and that tone of voice just ringed in my head. I started screaming in pain. Rapidly they came towards me and started asking me if I was ok.
"I don't know it's like when victor's people kidnapped Lisa and they were torturing her." I said screaming through the pain.
"I thought she was healed" Dimitri said.
"Oh my God" I heard Sydney.
"Look at the cloud in the cup. It's moving fast." Sydney said
"Like wind and water magic." Lisa said, I saw Jill come in and try to control the liquid from the egg.
"It's definitely water magic." Jill said soon I saw the Xavier guy move in and join Jill.
"Air magic as well but it's like something else is controlling it." Xavier said.
"Spirit." Both Adrian and Lisa said . And before I could react I blacked out.

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