The moment .

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              Dimitri's POV.
I was with Eddie, we were walking to the Royal dining room where the Queen would have dinners with Advisers around the world or simply with the other Royal families. I've seen Eddie and observe him well, when Jill was gone, he had cover his pain like any other guardian would,  like I was, but his eyes, you could see all the pain and worry in him. Now thinking about, it makes me wonder if my eyes had the same sight as how Eddie had them. "Are you excited?" I asked breaking the silence. "More like nervous you know it has been more then 9 months since I had her in my arms. I dont know what to say to her." He said "Just show her all the love you can, and make sure to tell her how much you love her." I said "Dimitri we well find her. She is a strong woman she well fight to survive just so she can get back to you and her twins." Eddie said, I nodded. We stopped in front of the door. He oppened the the door, Jill was with Vasilisa she turned around, and it was like a bomb went off she run toward Eddie and they embraced as never before. I smiled and headed off with Vasilisa and Christian "I'm glad they are finally together." Vasilisa said, I nodded. "Dimitri can we go talk at my office. We have some news that came in." She said and so we headed out and left Jill and Eddie alone. We entered her office. "What's the news?" I said "We got a letter, it said. " She stopped and opened one of the drawers and got a paper out. "Dear Queen Vasilisa,  I have your dear friend under my power, she is still alive so consider that a gift, I have sent some photos of her taken by my human slaves, I'll torture all of you guys.  You'll receive videos of her suffering enjoy them as I do and it's a little gift from me to you all. - R"  She finished reading "I know this seems like nothing but if we could see just the environment around her it could help as a lot. Dimitri we have a chance on rescuing her and plus Adrian is working on connecting with her. " Christian said "She is suffering because of us." I said "I know.  And I won't quit looking for her, she did this too save Jill and I well not stop and not quit until we have her back. I promise. " Vasilisa said looking at me in the eye "I won't either. Thank you Vasilisa." I answered, she had something else in her hand and extended her hand to me "These are the pictures he sended along with the letter, I want to ask you,  to put up a team to draw conclusions of the pictures and little clues and important things that might not seem important." She said, "Well, I need three people." I said "And who are they? " She asked "Christian, Sydney and Adrian." I said
"Well I would be honor to be part of this team." Christian said "Umm, not to sound rude or anything but Christian and Adrian?? I honestly can't see that." Vasilisa said "Well hey, I did went to college to get a major in Criminolgy and Forensic Science , I could have been working with the FBI right know." Christian said. Vasilisa just roled her eyes.

               Rose's POV
"Adrian oh my Adrian!! " I said I ran into him and hugged him, it felt so good to see someome fimiliar, he hugged me back, even though it was just a dream it felt good seeing him, my good friend "Adrian how are they, its been weeks in this shit whole. I have even lost count." I said it felt like it has been a year in this dungeon, I hate cages  "It's been two and a half months total." Adrian said. "What, no that is not... Oh my God Adrian I've missed two months and a half of my babies lifes." I said I looked around and saw Adrian forming figures, when he was done he had created my living room, he went to sit down and I followed. "I'm going to try something." He said "Adrian if your using too much spirit,  I don't want you to do it." I said, guessing what he was trying to do. "I have help." he said. As I watch him concentrate, he started to create something it was like a black whole and then I saw the biggest gift in my life, "Dimitri." I said and run up to him and hugged him and kissed him, I was balling my eyes out.  He hugged me tight and gave me strength "I love you." He said, I smiled the first thing he would say was that . "I love you too." . "How are they?" I asked , "they are beautiful, they have grown so much. " Dimitri said I cried even more, I was messing so much. He hugged me again and said "Its ok you will come back and see them."
"When? " I said "Soon, I promise." He answered , out of nowhere it started blinking "one of of us is waking up" Adrian yelled "fuck this motherfuckers!" I said , I hugged Dimitri "Take care of them.... I love you so much" I daid he hugged me real tight "I well and I love you too." He said "Thank you Adrian" I yelled "At your service. Please stay alive" Adrian said "I well" I answered back "Love you." I said looking back at Dimitri he was about to say something when I see a dark room where some human is shaking me "Im awake!" I yelled pissed "What do you want?" I said annoyed looking at the poor girl "He wants you outside." She answered "Just for you to get some fresh air before you go to your dungeon."
"I thought I was already in one." I said ,  I got up letting the human put in some hand cuffs. "We are moving you into your execution dungeon." She answered "Execution?" I asked "Yes in two weeks. Boss said there was going to be a big crowd. Its going to be life changing and he well finally get his revenge." she said
Two weeks! I die in two weeks . My life was being marked onto someone's calender agian!! 
I feel so bad I have not updated for like 4 months I swear I'll try my best with updating every week at least its that I went to Mexico came back and had before school activities to do then I started school and All my classes are AP and have so much homework I literally don't socialize anymore and have not taken care of my Vampire academy instagram account but hopefull I well start doimg ot agian im so sorry i know yall hate me but hey its here its better then nothing lol. Im so sorry #loveyall please dont hate me.

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