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So they explained everything that happened and what they think is going on .

So what Oskana got from baby #1 is that he or she carries magic it still is a Dhampir it just hold magic in it. Baby #2 has magic in her but not as like baby #1 . Lissa said that maybe it was to much spirit added in the vaccination, but that everything was going to be ok. Dimitri said the same thing.

I was at home already. I was making some food for me, Dimitri was on duty and I was off duty for 2 weeks, well I've been of duty since my first accident, but I would work in the office with lissa or go to the headquarters to figure out theories of where jill could be. Now im just sitting here, with two guardians at my door making sure I ''rest''.

I hear a knock on the door


"Guardian Hatha- Belikova , Lord Ivashkov needs to talk to you, is it ok he comes in." said one of the guardians .

"Yes it's ok, let him in." I said. What could Adrian want? I thought.

"Hey Rose." Adrian said as he came in the kitchen.

"Hey Adrian." I said back. I was busy doing my Alfredo pasta, I've been carving it .

"Your making dinner?" he asked

"No this is only appetizer, I told Dimitri that i wanted some Chinese food for dinner and pumpkin pie for desert." I said sounding kind of an fat eater, but it was the true .

"Damn, I remember when Sydney would get carvings, it would of been salads and apples. Hell I would of like it for her to get the carvings you get." He said.

"Well you know Sydney always been a healthy person. Where is she by the way??"

"Oh Evelyn was crying a lot and she said she was going to calm her down and put her down to sleep."

"Well text her , and tell her to come join us, and y'all can stay for dinner." I said to him

"Alright, I also came to talk about something." He said

"And what is it that you need to talk about." I said

"About magic" He said

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