CHAPTER 48: Unveiling Masks

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When we reached her parent's place, it was almost lunchtime. We had also stopped by on our way to pick up some gifts for them. Ira seemed least interested though, worried even, so I picked a common gift basket.

The guards opened the massive gates to the mansion and we got out of the car while one of the guards parked it. I wanted to take my bike out for a spin, but there was a rain warning for today, so I switched my bike to a car before coming here.

The Mehta mansion was built in a modern Mediterranean style with a large garden where our wedding took place. We walked to the main entrance and walked in through the open doors and I felt my wife tense beside me. "You okay?" I asked.

She hummed her response but I knew for some reason, something was wrong. 

"Ira!" I heard a shriek from my left and a petite elderly woman appeared from where she was setting the dining table. She wore a grey house-help uniform like others with her.

"Kalyani maushi!" Finally, a smile adorned my wife's face and she held out her hands for the older lady. "Tu kasa aahes? Khupa patala jhala ahesa? Tu nita javata nahisa ka?" she asked in marathi.
(How are you? You've gone so thin. Aren't you eating properly?)

"Mi thik ahe. Ani nahi mi tujhyasarakha patala jhalo nahi. Tara mi zaun tumchyasathi majhi khasa puranpoli gheun yenara ahe." Kalyani Maushi replied and tried to walk past Ira but stopped seeing me. "Ira, you came with your husband and didn't even introduce us while I went on rambling." She complained.
(I am fine. And no I have not gone thin you have. So, I will go and get you the special pooranpoli I made for you.)

"Tension naku ghya maushi. This one doesn't judge." Ira walked back to me and linked our arms. "This is Ahaan, my husband." She turned to me and spoke again. "And Ahaan, this is Kalyani maushi. She works for my parents but she's more like my Aunt." She smiled.
(Don't worry Aunt.)

I bent down to touch her feet but she stepped back. "Oh, my God. What are you doing? I'm just a maid."

"Well, my wife just introduced you as her aunt and her aunt is my aunt too." I touched her feet anyway and rose to see her eyes moist.

"Ira, I think God finally rewarded you for all your sacrifices, dear. May God keep you both happy and healthy." She raised her hands and patted our heads. "Ira, the helpers here were talking about some famous surgery that you did, I am so proud."

"I wasn't the only one who did something big, Maushi. My husband also got a big promotion." A current ran down me when Ira called me her husband.

"Sachhi?" Maushi's eyes widened.

"Ho," Ira replied.

"Tu thamba. Mi zaun, ani tumi doughanna puranpoli gheun yeto." She said patting Ira's arm and walked in the other direction.
(You wait. I'll go and get both of you some puranpoli.)

"Whenever I wasn't with Nani or Vaani, I'd be with her, mostly enjoying her delicious puranpoli. That's why she made it today, for me. She has a big hand in bringing me up. So, thanks, for doing what you did." Ira looked up at me with adoring eyes.

"I did what you do for my parents and family, every day, and I don't thank you because they are as much your's as they are mine, and the same goes for all your loved ones."

A gorgeous smile graced her face and she opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by Veer. " finally came." He said in exasperation, walking to us. He bent to touch my feet, but I held his shoulders.

"We are right on time for lunch," Ira spoke.

Veer looked down at his watch and then back at us again, "Yeah, okay. Just that Mom has been standing on everyone's head since morning because Dad said that everything should be perfect for their son-in-law." 

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