Getting caught up (5)

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I wake up unsurprisingly finding Kendall curled up in my side. Drool dripping from his mouth, and his tiny snores filling the air. I pull my phone off of the nightstand and take a quick picture of it. Smiling at how adorable he is. He really hasn't changed throughout the years. He used to not be able to sleep alone, always in need of a night light too. My parents bought one especially for him.
I shake him awake, wanting to get on the road as soon as possible. He mumbles then falls back asleep. I sigh and get up, kicking off the sheets. I head towards the bathroom and take a quick shower. Feeling slightly more refreshed and not like I just spent all of yesterday crammed in a truck I exit the bathroom to find a still sleeping Kendall laying half off the bed. I take a hold of his legs and pull him off the bed. Laughing loudly at his loud squeal. His eyes opening with an intense glare. He stands up slowly and makes his way towards me. I put my hands up in surrender.
"Hey, you weren't waking up, go take a shower. We need to head out soon." I say, smiling as he just walked into the bathroom with a sigh. Still glaring holes into me. That boy really doesn't like to be woken up.
After he finishes taking a shower we jump into the truck and get on our way again. We'll make it by nightfall if we don't make any stops, but knowing us we'll stop every few hours.
After hours in the car we finally make it to Denver. We drive through the city core, discovering where the university is located and the grocery stores. We finally park in front of our apartment. It's small, but perfect for us temporarily. Once Kendall gets a job he'll be able to move out and Into his own place.
"Ugh finally. Freedom is sweet." I say as we jump out of the car. Stretching out sore muscles. We take out our boxes and head up to the apartment. Luckily it came furnished so we don't have to worry about buying anything.
I swing open the door and sigh. It's good to have your own space. Before moving here I requested for there to be a security system set up. It'll put my paranoia to rest.
"A couch has never looked so appealing in my life. " Kendall says, dropping down in the pull out with a large moan.
"How does pizza sound?" I ask, looking up the local pizza place on my phone.
"Do you even have to ask?" He jokes, sitting up and walking over to his suitcases. He didn't see anything that he wanted to take along with him since his parents never really bought him anything. Everything in this suitcases he bought with his own money. He saved up a little money but he wanted to pay for the first months rent. He felt bad about leaching off of me, which he isn't. If my parents knew before they set this place up that he was coming along they would have gotten a two bedroom place. I think it would do him some good to get his own place, he's as independent as you can get.
For the next few weeks Kendall experienced the struggle of getting a job. He doesn't have that much experience so it seems like nobody wants to hire. He's down in the dumps about it so I do what I should have done before moving here.
"Hey Megs, how are you?" I ask, on the phone with my sister.
"I'm good, the baby is ready to come out anytime now." My older sister says with a large sigh. My family was ecstatic that her and Marcus were expecting their first. I'll be an uncle in no time.
"Make sure to call me when it happens, I want to be there." I say, smiling at the thought of the little guy.
"So, why are you calling brother?" She asks, knowing that I don't like calling people.
"Kendall is having a really hard time finding a job, and I know that you were talking about going on maternity leave. Do they have a replacement for you yet?" I ask, sitting down on the couch.
"No, they haven't. Are you sure you want Kendall to work for Landon? I've told you a hundred times what he's like." She asks. Worry filling her tone. She views Kendall as her own blood.
"He can handle himself. I think it would do them well." I say. This is a good job for him.
"Okay, fine. I'll set up an interview for him." She gives in. Making me thank her endlessly. She then says that she has to go, Marcus just got home. We hang up with exchanging I love you's.

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