Parking lot (26)

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"Derek. Tell me what's going on. Now." Darren growls out. Stalking towards us. His eyebrows pulled down in outrage. His eyes smoldering with anger. I gulp and look down at my shoes. Just seeing him hurts my heart, and knowing that he over heard my conversation with my lawyer? I feel like running away. "Derek." His tone impatient.
"Can we talk about this on a more... Private location." I whisper. Looking over at the receptionist who was staring quite bluntly at us, and the other clients waiting in the waiting room who looked highly uncomfortable.
"Der-" he goes to argue but Mr. Canker interrupts.
"I advise you to take Derek's request." He says. Making eye contact with Darren. Darren looks at me, his eyes still holding anger. His jaw ticks but he nods his head in agreement. I sigh lightly. Glad that the stubborn man understood my request for privacy. There was no way that I would tell all of these strangers about my personal life.
Darren stalks off towards the elevators, pressing the bottom impatiently. I nod at the lawyer who smiles at me tightly before returning to his office. Closing the door behind him.
I hesitantly take steps towards Darren. Unsure about our situation and how I should proceed with things. He looks towards me as I stop a couple feet away from him. I duck my head. The doors slide open and he steps inside of it, I rush inside after him. He presses the lobby floor button with pursed lips. I look down at my feet again, not wanting him to catch me staring at him so yearningly. I would die of embarrassment.
This is the man that I wanted to talk to, explain why I did everything that I did, and tell him about my intense feelings for him. The man that I dreamed of, had nightmares about. Yet, here he is. Standing in front of me, dressed in a slick black suit. His hair combed back, but it's slightly messy from him running his hand through it out of frustration. It's like nothing has happened, but at the same time everything. There is stubble covering his jaw that wasn't there before, now past the point of stylish. Dark bags have settled under his eyes, seemingly like he has restless nights like me.
The doors slide open again and we exit the small space. I silently follow him out of the building and into the busy streets seeing as it's just after noon.
Even with the amount of anger he's feeling Darren still opened the door for me and waited for me to be situated until he closed the door. That fact made me smile slightly. Once he enters the car he pulls out of the parking spot. I look out of the window when he doesn't talk.
Out of all the odds Darren has to have a lawyer in the same building as Monroe's, on the same floor. I know that they are friends but still. He didn't have to go on the same day as I. I'm startled out of my thoughts by his deep voice sounding through the car.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He grits out. His grip on the steering wheel is so tight that it makes his knuckles turn white.
"I wanted to Darren. I haven't told anybody until that week." I try to make him understand.
"Who was the first person that you told?" He asks. His tone still tight with anger.
"I blurted it out to my mother, and..." I stop. Not wanting to upset him any further.
"And what Derek?" He growls out. Glaring towards him.
"I didn't have to tell Orion. H-he already knew." I whimper. He growls out loudly. Sharply pulling into his apartments parking lot.
"Of fucking course. You tell fucking Orion, yet the man who you were dating you didn't tell. No, you didn't even consider it." He spits out before jumping out of the car and stalking towards the elevator. I curse loudly, tossing off my seatbelt and jumping out of the car. Jogging to catch up to him.
"It wasn't like that Darren." I say, trying not to cry.
"It sure seems like that Derek." He says, betrayed coating his words.
"You don't understand!" I practically yell out. I gasp as he grabs onto me and pins me to the brick wall. His face inches away from my own.
"Then explain it to me. Why did you have sex with another man? Why didn't you tell me about a man fucking sexually assaulting you? All these things are stuff I deserve to know." He says heatedly. His pupils dilated from anger.
"I don't know! I wasn't thinking, I put myself and my feelings before yours. I wanted to get away from the voices in my head. His voice telling me that I was dirty, that nobody would want me. That you would toss me aside as soon as you knew how tainted I am." I cry out. His eyes harden.
"I would never do that." He growls out.
"You don't know that." I whisper out. Giving up on keeping my tears at bay.
"Yes I do Derek. This entire time I've been feeling like complete and utter crap. Everyday I wanted to call you, to stalk you at work, to make sure you were alright. I was insane with worry. I hated myself for it. Why would I care about the man that betrayed me? Now, as I look at you so saddened, a shell of yourself. I can't help but blame myself. Monroe told me how you were unsure of our relationship. I should have told you how much you meant to me. How you hold my heart." He growls out. I look up at him in shock. He shakes his head and let's me go. Backing away from me. "For you to seek another mans comfort? That's my fault. I should have been the man there for you. I should have been the one to hold you in my arms as you cried. Not Orion, not Monroe or Kendall. Me." His fists clench at his side. His chest falling in rapid succession.
"It's not your fault." I whisper. Wrapping my arms around myself. He looks sharply at me.
"It is Derek. I should have went to you, I should have let you explain." He whispers. Walking towards me once again.
"I could have called you. I could have done more, I could have went after you." I mutter. He just nods his head.
"No Derek." He says. Raising his hand to touch my cheek. I sigh as heat spreads through my body, making me lean into his touch.
The elevator door dinging as it opens threats us apart from each other hesitantly.

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