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"Everything isn't right." I mutter. Looking around the venue. The lights aren't the right hue of white. Not to mention the flowers haven't been delivered yet. The wedding is in ten hours. Things are already going wrong.
"Well, we can fix anything you want. You should be relaxing. It is your wedding day." Kendall tells me. Walking up beside me. Obviously trying to calm down my frayed nerves.
"Everything has to be perfect though. This is my only wedding, and I'm getting married to my soul mate. I want everything to run smoothly. So I could enjoy the night fully.
"It will be perfect. Once you see him, everything will melt away," Kendall promises. A soft smile on his face as he plays with the wedding band on his finger.
"I'm hoping so. The caters are actually on time though, so there's that." I tell him. Turning around and walking through the venue.
Darren and I wanted a small wedding. Seeing as my mother isn't on board with us, my father is the one who's my main support system here. He even footed half of the bill. Not that we couldn't afford it. He's been there for me, even when I called him at midnight freaking out over the smaller things. He would only chuckle and assure me that everything is going to be fine.
"Are you ready to go on vacation?" Walker asks me. Smiling at me softly. His arm wrapped securely around Quincy.
"Oh yeah, I'm more ready than ever. Touring Europe will be amazing. I'll miss you guys though." I tell them. Kendall Knicks his shoulder with mine.
"Awes. Little ol' us?" He jokes.
"I'm sure that he'll be too busy taking it up the ass to miss us." Holden adds in. Kendall blushes and blocks his ears.
"Hey! I do not need to hear that. Thank you very much." He mutters. Walking off to probably find his husband.
"You'd think that he would be less naive about the lifestyle. Seeing as he is the star sub." Holden says. I shrug my shoulders. Kendall is just shy, and I don't see that changing any time soon.
"Let's go for lunch." Quincy says. His hand holding on to his stomach. Walker looks down at him with a raised eyebrow.
"You just ate an hour ago." He comments. Causing Quincy to look up at him with a glare.
"Exactly. That was an hour ago. I'm a hungry boy, don't judge." He says with a pout. Everybody chuckles at them. They're cute together, that's for sure.
"I'll drive." Landon says. Coming up behind Holden and wrapping his arms around him. Resting his chin on the top of Holdens head.
"Shouldn't you guys stay with Darren though?" I ask them. Biting my lip.
"He's locked up in his room..." He starts but I cut him off.
"Wait... Why?" I ask them. Nerves peaked.
"He wouldn't answer so we don't know." Monroe says. His voice deep and calming. I bite my nails anxiously.
Without thinking I push past the group and rush to my car. I don't like that he's alone, probably freaking out. I start the car, and practically race to the hotel. When I climb out, I ignore the shocked looks of the valet when I simply toss my keys at him. I jog to the Elantra and wait impatiently for it to arrive. It doesn't take long for me to reach his door. I take a calming breath before knocking.
"Babe it's me. Open up." I call out when he doesn't answer. The longer the seconds pass, the higher my nerves get. My leg is bouncing. Oh god, what if he's have second thoughts. Why would he want to marry me anyways. I'm just so screwed up. He deserves better than me. He deserves the world, bust instead he got a fucked up rape victim. I knock again. This time harder and quicker. "Babe, you're worrying me. Answer the door."
Finally the door swings open. Causing the breath that I've been holding to release.
"Oh thank good." I rush. Raising my hand to his face. He has bags under his eyes, and his stubble is growing out. Which I personally prefer.
"What's wrong?" He questions. His gaze surveying my face.
"I thought that something was wrong. The guys were saying that you were locked away in this room, and that you weren't answering." I whisper. His eyebrows furrow.
"I'm fine. I just wanted to be alone. They were stressing me out." He mutters. Steeping away and pulling me into the room. I look around and wince. It's a mess, it looks like a hurricane past through.
"Are you sure? You're never like this." I add. I turn to him and watch as he diverts his eyes away from me.
"Yeah. I'm just nervous. Which is normal... It's just everything is out of my control and I'm marrying you. The person I could only dream of spending the rest of my life with. That's a little bit intimidating." He explains. I let out a breath and walk closer to him. I wrap my arms around his waist and hug him tightly.
"I love you. Everything will be fine." I tell him. The irony making me inwardly chuckle.
"I love you too." He whispers. Bending down to peck my lips softly.
"Let's get married." I tell him. Looking into his stormy grey eyes. Falling even more In love with him.
"You're beaming." My father says as I greet him in front of the door.
"I better be. I am marrying the love of my life." I joke. His eyes crinkle as he laughs. He wraps his arms around ,y shoulder and brings me into a hug.
"I'm so proud of you son." He whispers into my ear. Sounding choked up. Tears well in my eyes.
"I love you dad." I respond. He pulls back and presses his lips to my forehead.
"I love you too Derek. Well, let's not leave your future husband waiting too long." He says. Chuckling tearfully I grab onto his arm. Letting him lead me into the chapel.
As I walk down the narrow isle, everything fades away. It's like tunnel vision, and all I can see is Darren. The man who picked me up when I was broken, the man who I crushed on for years. I'm marrying the man who was created for me. He looks stunning. He kept his stubble, and did his hair. The suit he's wearing makes his eyes stand out, and his body look Devine. As I get closer, I notice the tears coursing down his cheeks. Causing my own to spill. My father hands me off, with a tight embrace and a kiss to the forehead he allows Darren to take me as his husband.
I would love to say that I paid attention to what the priest was saying, but all I could focus on was the man in front of me. The love shining in his eyes made my knees weak, and my heart to race. I never thought that I would feel this way.
When it's my turn to utter my vows I take a deep breath.
"You started off as a mystery. The man who showed me what love was, even if it was early. I knew that I loved you. When you left, it felt like a piece of me left with you. Fate worked it's powers, and brought us back together. I was scared, and nervous. Every time I saw you was like staring directly into the sun. Now, you've loved me, through the good times, as well as the fucking horrible. You clean up after my mess, of course you still scold me when I leave my cereal out. I thought that I couldn't love you anymore than I already did, yet with every second that passes my love for you grows. With this ring, I promise to try and toss out the milk jug when it's empty. To put the lid on the toothpaste, but most importantly. I promise to stand beside you, as your equal, your lover, your best friend and lastly your husband." I say. Tears fall down both out faces. My hands shake as I place the ring on his finger. He smiles shakily at me. Mouthing I love you before saying his own vows.
" I never knew that the boy who appeared so innocent and kind would fall in love with me. I always ask myself, what did I do in my life to deserve you? You are the most precious cargo I own. That's saying something, seeing as I have all the first editions of Harry Potter. You ignore my stupidity, and always forgive me with a loving kiss and welcoming arms. Waking up with you in my arms, trusting me with your heart and body is the best feeling in the world. With this ring I vow to make you happy. To make sure that we have your favorite ice cream stocked up. I promise to stay up with you after you have a nightmare and talk about nothing. I love you Derek, and I can't wait to grow old with you and survive the zombie apocalypse." He finishes with a chuckle. He swipes his thumb under my eye, catching the tears.
"I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss the groom." The priest declares. Cheers break out through the chapel as Darren brings me into his warm embrace. Pressing his lips softly and passionately against my own.
"I love you husband." He whispers.
"I love you more husband." I say. Taking his lips with my own once more.

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