Vansh Khurana

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It is evening time. Pushti was already late for going to home. So she leaves hurriedly after greeting everyone in the library. She is feeling better after reading 2 novels. Pushti thinks about the man she bumped into in the afternoon while waiting for the crossing light to turn on.

Suddenly she looks at the a group of people coming towards her. As they are coming towards her from the other side.

Pushti's body starts to shiver looking at them. They are Daksh and his group. She starts taking back her foot but they catch up to her. Then when she trys to scream for the help Daksh grabs her wrist and give a warning eyes to her and sign her with his phone. After that she is dragged by Daksh and his group towards the backside of the library where parking place is arranged.

At that time one man sees them from his car as he was heading towards his office from there. He was just going to start his car but Daksh dragged Pushti towards his car and cages her by keeping his 2 hands on each side of her on the car. As the car's glasses are all black colored no one can see him inside the car.

He thinks about going outside the car but at that time Daksh shouts at Pushti but not in too loud voice. Hearing this he stopped from opening the door of the car. He can hear everything inside so he decided to leave if there is a need.

Meanwhile Daksh was angry at Pushti and started scolding her. He asks the reason for not coming to the college and says her bad words. A person who was in the car couldn't control his anger so he make a tight fist but doesn't come out of the car.

On the other Pushti's hand was hurting so she says in pain that she was at her home became she had fever and then she come here to grab a book for his father after she felt okay. Daksh doubts her in the starting but after seeing her pale face he believes in her. But didn't let her go and push her from backside towards him. Pushti started shivering badly and again Daksh started touching her back badly. He loves the begging look on her face due to himself and also even he has a gf but he loves to touch her back.

Pushti gather courage and begs him to let her go but as he loves her this look " the begging look " he didn't stop there. He pinched her waist.💔💔 Pushti start crying as she couldn't handle that insult anymore. She trys pushing him from herself but he is too strong in front of her. Looking this Daksh scares her with his devil smirk 😏😏 and take his one in the air to spank her.

Meanwhile looking at this incident that guy couldn't control himself and come out of the car. He stops the hand of Daksh reaching Pushti's body and take her behind him with one hand. This happens in such a hurry that Daksh and his group couldn't understand it quickly and before Daksh can grasp the situation that guy punches him and then kicked between his 2 legs.

Then he turns around and ask Pushti if she is okay or not. But Pushti isn't okay as she faints in that boy's arms when turns around.

Daksh apologies to that man continuesly. He said that he didn't know that she is your person.

Daksh says," Please forgive me sir, I really didn't know that she is your person. " His friends also kneels with him as he was already kneeling in front of that man. They also start apologizing to him without realising who is in front of them. At that time Daksh again apologize while shivering and take his name mistakenly. When his group listen the name  VANSH KHURANA then they also start shivering.

When Vansh listens his name he gets more angry. Vansh is the person who doesn't like anyone takes his name other than his family. Looking at his shooting eye gaze everyone let their head down 👇👇 and don't dare to look above for even a second.

Vansh controls his anger and then call someone.

Who is this Vansh Khurana?
Why everyone is afraid of him and whom did he call?

Let's get to know about it later as my lecture is starting now so I'm stopping it here, okay.

Radhe Radhe ji to everyone 🙏🙏🙏.
Bye bye 🫂👋🫂

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