A date? (2)

16 3 0

When Pushti feels surprised that Vansh knows her all tastes and choice in dahi puri chaat.

When the chart was getting ready, Vansh was making sure that it is made properly. Pushti calms her down. When she calms herself down, Vansh comes with the chart.

She just keeps looking at Vansh till they complete their charts. Vansh notices everything but don't say anything.

After eating she asks him," Why did you say yes to a girl like me? Means you already have seen that, that... I'm..... That me... I'm ...(Pushti takes some Deep breaths then..). You know I was touched already by that beast. Nobody likes a woman who is not clean. Then why do you want to marry me? Why.. why did you say yes to me? And yaa how do you know my brother? "

Vansh kept looking at her for a while. Then he suddenly starts smiling. Pushti first time see his smile so she gets amazed how handsome he looks while smiling. Then he reply that,
                         xǐhuān .
                          ( I LIKE YOU.)

Pushti turns red and stands up. Obviously she knows Chinese language because she has learnt it from cdrama.

Let's see what happens next.
Will Pushti say yes to marriage?
Let's see it in next episode.

I will post it on 4th day from today onwards. After completing my exam this Wednesday. Okay 👌

Radhe radhe everyone. 🙏

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