02. really

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Kazuha prided herself on her one-track mind, but also on her dual personality.

Which was why when Chaewon stumbled over to her, half-sentient and drunk enough to fell a cow, she was nothing but nice to the girl, slipping an arm under her waist and leading her to sit down on a stool far from the bar.

Chae had been dancing and drinking for hours, and her ballet figure had attracted the looks of many clubbing, guys and girls alike. She'd gotten at least seven numbers stuffed in her tiny pockets, and one drawn on her lean arm in what Kazuha desperately prayed wasn't permanent marker.

"Wooo!" Chaewon exclaimed, her head lolling to the side as she giggled, her makeup-smeared eyes turning to crescents as she smiled. "Everything's kinda blurrryyyyyy..."

Kazuha heaved a massive sigh, propping up the older girl. "Chae, I may not be old enough to drink, but-"

She was interrupted by a sudden giggle. "Noooo," Chaewon whined.

Kazuha sighed again, but then a new voice joined the group.

"Hello, are you Nakamura Kazuha?"

And that was about all Kazuha could understand, because the girl was speaking in perfect English and was expecting her to get it.

Kazuha could do nothing but answer, "Yes," and shoot her a blank look.

"Oh, sorry," the girl answered. She was tall, about an inch above Kazuha, and her dark, intelligent eyes surveyed her carefully. She was speaking in pitch-perfect Japanese now. "Ah, how rude of me. I forgot to introduce myself. Huh Yunjin, talent agent, at your service." She held out a white card with neat gold lettering, and it occurred to Kazuha after a moment to take it.

Kazuha's professionalism suddenly showed itself (God, she'd been waiting so long for it to show) and she straightened her spine, placing a protective hand on Chaewon next to her. "Nakamura Kazuha. It's nice to meet you. What can I do for you?"

Yunjin smiled, and it was clear she'd noticed Kazuha's switch and was enjoying it. "Many things, in fact. To begin with: since you're not legally old enough to purchase alcohol, may I treat you to a virgin piña colada?"

Kazuha blinked in surprise. Right. The girl was a talent agent; she had to be expected to know her clients, and Kazuha was quite possibly about to get scouted (she'd learned about these opportunities for a while) so she wasn't about to say no.

"Yes, of course, thank you," Kazuha agreed, and then: "What do I do about my friend?"

"Oh, her?" Yunjin gave the girl a quick once-over, then did a double take. Kazuha smiled to herself. Even in inebriation, Chaewon had that kind of effect on people; and by the sweet, starry-eyed look Chaewon was sending towards Yunjin's fascinated one, the two girls were already under each others' spells.

"She can... erm," Yunjin said, then quickly readjusted and tacked on, "...come with you. I assume that's Kim Chaewon?"

"Highly intoxicated, but yes," Kazuha laughed as the black-haired girl beamed at them with a smile that could rival the sun.

Yunjin nodded again, but the ghost of a blush dusted her cheeks as she led the two girls to the bar. Well, in reality only Kazuha was walking. Chaewon was stumbling, her arm over Kazuha's shoulder.

The drink was sweet and cold, and Kazuha requested a hangover drink along with it that caused Chaewon to stare. She gazed into the depths of the drink musingly and mournfully, her eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't want to drink it," she finally sighed.

"You have to, Chae."

"But I don't wanna," and then she listed to the side and landed on Yunjin's shoulder. Yunjin looked at her in surprise, another blush painting her face, and gently propped Chaewon up.

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