19. kill this love

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"I need you two to ad-lib a screen read."

Kazuha, being unexperienced in movie lingo, went, "A what?"

Sakura, being more versed, exclaimed the same word, but louder and more outraged.

"Aoi-san- ad-libbing a screen read? Isn't that an audition type? If we've already got the parts, I don't see why-"

"Sakura-chan, I get your perspective, but it's necessary," Aoi announced, brushing back her dark hair and staring at the two girls, who were sitting awkwardly in her office. "We need to convince the entire crew that breaking up Hiro and Mei is the right choice, and having Joonwoo and Yumi not work out is another good one. They're not all on board yet, and although they agree you two have absolutely fantastic chemistry, they don't think that's enough to risk the whole movie."

Sakura had totally flipped perspectives now. "But it's not a risk-"

"Our audiences are somewhat homophobic, let's assume that, right?" Aoi interjected. "They feel it'll lose us money."

"Oh," Sakura and Kazuha sighed at the same time.

"That's why I need you two to do an on-the-spot scene in front of everyone. It'll be shot and used as part of the movie later today."

"Today!?" Sakura exclaimed. "But-"

"It's okay," Kazuha reassured her, placing a hand on Sakura's. "Don't worry, Kkura. We'll pull through."

Aoi gave them both a strange look, but didn't ask.

- - -

The entire crew, plus actors, had all gathered in the studio to watch Sakura and Kazuha act.

The prompt they'd been given (much to a furious Soobin's chagrin) was the deterioration of Yumi and Joonwoo's relationship. This was easy for Kazuha because of her easiness with expressing her feelings, but harder for Sakura, because she wasn't an emotions person.

But as Kazuha gave Sakura her megawatt smile once the older girl stepped onto the set, all of Sakura's worries vanished.

"Yumi-chan," Kazuha said dryly. The two were in Mei's office again, and Kazuha had come dressed in a black button-down and dove-white jeans. "What's the matter this time?"

"Can I talk to you?" Sakura asked anxiously. She was dressed in all sweats, looking like she'd just come back from either practice or shopping. "It's about Joonwoo-ssi."

"Oh, sure," Kazuha answered, sitting up a little straighter in her chair. "What's wrong?"

The words flowed easily, as if rehearsed, and the audience's energy shifted, as if they were starting to pick up on the undercurrents between the girls. "It's just... he doesn't... seem to like me."

"He's your boyfriend," Kazuha replied in a confused tone. "Isn't it sort of... his job?"

"Yeah, but he's always being cold to me and criticizing my dancing."

"He's just trying to help you get better, Yumi-chan."

"Yes, but is 'trying to help me get better' ignoring me when I'm trying to talk to him, or ditching me when I try to plan things? I feel so one-sided and stupid in this relationship," Sakura vented, sitting slumped over in one of Mei's office chairs like Yumi would. "I honestly don't want to maintain something if it's like this."

"Have you spoken to him about it?" Kazuha looked up from her writing to eye Sakura carefully from under her eyelashes, projecting a contemplating exterior.

Sakura laughed aloud. "He hates talking about his emotions as much as you, Mei-san."

Kazuha snorted. "I suppose he does."

"Cut!" Yujin yelled, and emerged from behind the camera, her eyes shining.

"I think we've got ourselves a couple."

- - -

For the next few weeks, the shooting progressed perfectly. Kazuha and Riki performed an admirable and amicable split, and there was so much free time on the weekends that Kazuha managed to find a place to practice ballet for a little, brushing up on the skills that had grown rusty since the movie shoot began. She got to dance as Mei, so she practiced the routine the character would perform at the end of the movie. Chaewon performed with her as well, and they pulled off an excellent practice.

Yunjin picked up Chaewon from the studio. The two didn't speak, but Kazuha noticed that the atmosphere was noticeably less tense. Maybe Yunjin trying to make up for choosing her job over the other girl?

Meanwhile, Soobin still raged silently, but his anger actually helped him pull off a fantastic breakup scene with Sakura. Even the actor himself looked at the camera and grudgingly nodded, while Sakura bowed to him politely, thanked him, and apologized. He nodded in response, then turned and left.

Sakura and Kazuha were going as strong as ever. The two still spent time together, just not as much, and not in the same way. They acted instead of talking, and filmed scenes instead of watching movies. It was okay, Kazuha decided; acting was Sakura's career, and she wouldn't ever ruin that.

But she had to sometimes wonder- was Sakura like Yunjin? Would she pick her career over her girlfriend of a few months? Would she even want to tell the world about Kazuha?

Kazuha really, truly hoped. But she had to consider these questions herself too: with Kazuha being a popular ballerina on tour and Sakura being a globally famous actress with shoots all over the world, would they ever cross paths? Ever get the chance to be together after this movie?

Ballet was her passion. But there was no denying how much she was in love with Sakura. Which would she pick, if she had to?

Sakura, probably. She would follow the girl to the ends of the earth and back, and would even become an actress for her if it meant staying close.

Giving up on her life for the other girl was something Kazuha could be pushed to do. But could Sakura?

Or more accurately- would Sakura?

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