12. don't know what to do

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Kazuha had to admit that Riki Nishimura was pretty hot.

He had perfect eyes, a knife-sharp jawline, and a cool, careless aura. Kazuha wouldn't have picked anyone else to play as her love interest (except Sakura, but obviously that couldn't be managed). Riki was well-mannered, kind, and polite, especially to her. During their scenes, they flowed easily, their vibe contoured and fitting to the scenario. As friends in flashbacks in the story, they could genuinely laugh together, and Kazuha really enjoyed spending time with him. Chaewon was still having Yunjin issues, and Kazuha hoped that the Korean girl would pull her head from her rear pretty soon, because she knew her best friend was a feeling Yunjin would never experience again if Chaewon gave up on her.

But in the meantime, Kazuha's uncontrollable crush still raged, unfortunately. Little arm brushes in the halls and Mei-and-Yumi scenes together nearly stopped Kazuha's poor heart. It didn't help that Soobin and Sakura were spending even more time together, getting spotted all over the place at various restaurants and venues in the city. Their ship was gaining increasing traction online.

Of course, Kazuha's cowardly and battered heart decided to ignore it, giving Sakura the equivalent of the cold shoulder in scenes. Their chemistry, the chemistry that flowed thickly during the rain scene, was definitely diluted; Sakura's skills more than covered it in front of the camera, and no one noticed except for Sakura, who gave Kazuha curious looks when the scenes ended.

Kazuha hightailed it out of there whenever they did, so she didn't have to face the other girl.

She was still deeply in love. Sakura's face, her scent, her hair, her eyes, all of it was imprinted in Kazuha's mind. She wanted nothing more than to spend time with the other girl, but it seemed that Sakura was always either shooting scenes or being with Soobin.

Which was why Kazuha ranted her heart out to Chaewon one day, standing outside Chaewon's room as the Korean girl unlocked it with her keycard.

"They're always together! I mean, always! Do they ever get a break? They're together so much I don't think it's just PR. I mean, he has to really like her. And it makes me so angry, because he could have anyone else, but he picked her!"

What Kazuha didn't know was that her room- 406- happened to be on Chaewon's floor, and right down the hall too. 

And if it was on Kazuha's floor it was on Sakura's.

Who happened to be unlocking her room also, but stopped as she heard Kazuha's angry ranting.

Not being stupid, the girl clicked things together. Kazuha was cold to her. Kazuha was always strange to her when they talked. Kazuha was angry at someone, and she was ranting about a guy who spent a ton of time with a girl when he could be spending it with someone else.

Sakura realized (or so she thought) that Kazuha liked Soobin.

That explained the anger and the ignoring.

Kazuha was angry at her.

She was jealous.

Sakura's heart wrenched in pain. Her supposed only true friend on set.

Well, she was, but not in the way Sakura thought.

- - -

The scene they were shooting was one in which Mei and Yumi fought.

It was before they bonded over their hopes and dreams, back when Mei thought Yumi was trying to use Soobin for money, and, being a close family friend, wouldn't allow that.

Kazuha was anxious about the scene. She would have to yell and tell off Yumi. Sakura. She would have to call her words she'd never, ever say to the girl in real time.

To make it worse, Sakura's outfit was distracting: crop top, skinny jeans, leather jacket- Yumi's "streetwear." Kazuha's was more professional, a silk top open at the chest tucked into black slacks.

The set was Mei's office, where Mei yelled at Yumi and the two had a screaming match until Yumi finally spilled her issues.

Kazuha was scared for it, to say the least. Not just anxious.

As she walked out of her room, she heard something.


From Chaewon's room, 411.

Against her better judgment, she crept closer to listen, physically recoiling when she heard voices she recognized.

"You don't care about me, Yunjin!"

"Yes, I do, what are you talking about?"

Chaewon and Yunjin. Screaming at each other.

"You always pick your job over me. Your clients over me. What is it, Yunjin, I'm not good enough for you? Not professional? Do you want me to act like a flight attendant? Bow to your every whim? I give you so much, and I have no idea what you want from me!"

Silence, and Kazuha stood there, listening, feeling awful.

"I pick my job because it's my life, Chaewon. I sacrificed everything for this, and I'd rather not squander it on a chance!"

A heartbroken laugh, and Kazuha's heartstrings were yanked on.

"It's even in the way you talk! You'd rather not squander it, like what, I'm some rich toy you waste money on?" Another laugh. "I guess that's just what I am to you. I'm some shiny-looking decoration you use for a few hours and dump when you're done."

More silence, but Kazuha recognized the crack at the end of Chaewon's voice, and from the sound of it, she could clearly hear her best friend crying.

Kazuha's chest twisted, and she wanted to run in, but she knew it wasn't her business.

Chaewon's voice reemerged, much smaller. "When will you realize it, Yunjin? I'm not a client. I'm not a business deal. I'm someone who really wants to be with you, but I'm so done with trying. I can't deal with you anymore."


"Don't touch me! You don't have the right to do that anymore. I know from people who honestly support me that I can do so much better than someone who hasn't even defined their feelings for me yet. If you even have any!"

Silence, then: "Chaewon, I-"

"I don't care, Yunjin! We're done. Get out!"

"Chaewon, please listen to me!"

"I don't need to know what you have to say! Get out, now!"

Kazuha wanted to move, but she was frozen, the words falling on her ears like acid.


Chaewon's voice had risen to a furious shriek.

Kazuha's heart broke for her best friend as Yunjin threw open the door and stormed out, her arm flying up to wipe something away from her face.

Her eyes met Kazuha's for a shocked moment, but then she speed walked away, revealing Chaewon.

Kazuha's best friend was in tears, her makeup smudged and her eyes puffy and reddened. Her lips looked bitten, and Kazuha knew not just from kissing.

She looked awful, and burst into a fresh round of tears once Kazuha was revealed by the door.

Kazuha walked forward, enveloped Chaewon in a hug, and didn't let her go until Chaewon stopped crying.

a/n: if you thought this chapter was bad... just wait for the next one...

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