21. the girls

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Kazuha smiled to herself.

She really liked red-carpet events where she could pick her outfit. The waltz scene had been irritating, to say the least, because she was forced into something she didn't like.

But today? Today was the premiere of Blue Star, and Kazuha got to dress up for it.

The screening was cast-and-creatives only, as usual, and Chaewon had been spamming Kazuha about whether to ask Yunjin to go as a pair, even though they'd fought. They'd begun to work things out, and Yunjin had promised to make more time for her.

Kazuha hadn't been sure about what to pick- suit or dress? But when she saw the dress, she knew it was for her.

Her makeup was flawless: soft, barely winged eyeliner that accentuated her natural monolids, and dark red lipstick that stood out beautifully on her pale face. Her long hair was down and wavy, and long silver earrings dripped from her earlobes, matching silver bangles on her wrists.

The dress itself was black, with a V-neck sleeveless torso. The skirt was long and layered, ruffles swirling around her as she walked, and the dress was cinched at the waist by a thick black belt and a silver chain. Instead of wearing heels, she wore black boots tied up to the ankle.

Overall, Kazuha loved her look; the lightness of the dress made it easy for her to walk and dance

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Overall, Kazuha loved her look; the lightness of the dress made it easy for her to walk and dance. Chaewon's dress was just like hers but hot pink with a sleeveless sweetheart neckline. The older girl wore light makeup, but Chaewon was so beautiful that it looked natural. She wore similar earrings to Kazuha's but with more silver towards the ear, and her dress was more ruffled than Kazuha's.

Kazuha couldn't wait- not just to see the movie, but also to see her girlfriend, who she had finally cleared everything up with

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Kazuha couldn't wait- not just to see the movie, but also to see her girlfriend, who she had finally cleared everything up with.

She and Sakura weren't just a fling.

The movie wasn't going to end them.

Kazuha smiled to herself for the second time and waited.

- - -

Cameras flashed in her eyes as Kazuha smiled into their lenses.

She was on the red carpet, posing, smiling, as Chaewon smiled at other cameras next to her. The carpet extended all the way to the venue, a sparkling clean theater where other celebrities entered, also posing to smile.

A few minutes later, she walked over to Chaewon and they posed together, the older playfully doing aegyo at the cameras, which they ate up, flashing cameras at the pair. Kazuha and Chaewon broke apart smiling, and Kazuha turned to finish walking until they reached the venue. Security was tight around the area, and they flashed their tickets at the burly guards.

"Oh, my seat's a few rows away from yours," Kazuha realized, looking at them. "Should we..."

"Split? Yeah," Chaewon agreed. "I'll see you?"

"See you," Kazuha agreed, and then Sakura walked in.

Kazuha would be lying if she said that her jaw didn't drop right then and there.

Sakura had dyed her hair from the scalp to her shoulders black, and it was braided, tipped with blue, her previous hair color. She wore a pink-and-white dress that flared out around her waist like a tutu. The torso was white with a black ribbon, her long hair falling over her chest as she walked. Her makeup was light and pink, and she looked absolutely gorgeous.

She smiled at the cameras painfully slowly, nodding and accepting flashing lenses

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She smiled at the cameras painfully slowly, nodding and accepting flashing lenses. Kazuha knew she was staring shamelessly, but when Sakura's eyes turned to her it was like nothing else mattered.

Kazuha could've sworn that Enchanted started playing, their eyes meeting softly across the room.


Sakura glided down the red carpet towards her, walking through the doors and entering the premiere room.

"Kkura," Kazuha whispered, and her arms ached to reach out and hug the other girl close. "You look so good."

"You look good too, Zuha," Sakura murmured in response. "First premiere, right?"

"Yeah," Kazuha agreed, her eyes still fixed on Sakura's.

Sakura laughed softly, and Kazuha smiled at her, and their eyes met again, Sakura reaching forward and tugging on Kazuha's pinky finger. "Come on. I know your seat, love."

"Okay," Kazuha nodded, following the older girl through crowds until they reached two seats right next to each other. Kazuha's mind sluggishly registered that the number on the seat matched the one on her ticket. 

She was so in love that she didn't care if it didn't match Sakura's.

They sat in a darker corner of the theater, so when the lights shut off and the movie finally began, Kazuha kissed Sakura all through the opening credits, and pulled away with a lovestruck grin when the first scene opened. They stayed close throughout the rest of the film, and when their scenes were on the screen, the tension radiated into the theater, Kazuha admiring her girlfriend's acting. Soobin sat alone on the other side of the theater, and when his scenes came on Sakura squeezed Kazuha's hand as if to say, Only you.

Because it seemed like it was just them in the theater, watching the movie that started their relationship.

When the movie was over, there was an afterparty, and although it was fun, and Yunjin and Chaewon made up, Kazuha stayed by Sakura all night, hugging her close.

a/n: we're nearly there, two/three chapters to go. i think i'll finish the fic today hehe

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