22. as if it's your last

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Kazuha's heart was beating out of her chest as she waited.

Just a day earlier, Sakura had asked Kazuha on a real date a few days ago. On the premiere night, when they reached the hotel, Sakura tugged Kazuha into her room and asked, "Do you want to do this again?"

Kazuha, being the confused, slightly drunken girl she was, mumbled, "Movie again?"

"Sure, we can go see a movie together."

Now, Kazuha was fully awake, and yelped, "Are you asking me out?"

"You are adorably dense," Sakura giggled, effectively turning Kazuha's entire face bright red. "Is that a yes?"

"Yes, of course it's a yes, Kkura! Oh my God!" Kazuha slapped a palm over her blushing face and looked away, Sakura still smirking.

"I'll text you the details," Sakura chuckled, squeezing Kazuha's hand, kissing her, and wishing her goodnight.

- - -

She had spent hours deciding what to wear, and after relentlessly bothering Chaewon, Kazuha had found a good outfit.

Dark blue baggy jeans, a white tank top with black lining, and a denim jacket. She left her dark hair down, wavy around her shoulders, and took a simple bag. It was relatively chilly outside, so she slipped the same dark brown puffer jacket she'd worn the day she met Sakura over her denim jacket.

It felt like a nice touch; a first meet for a first date.

Kazuha's phone buzzed.

[ 12:42 PM ]

kkura loml <3

leaving now :))

kkura loml <3

omw rn




i'll see you


so excited hehehe

kkura loml <3

me too love i cant wait to see youu

kkura loml <3

i love you!!!!


i love you more omg

Kazuha blushed uncontrollably and shut off her phone, slapping a hand over her face to disguise the scarlet flush taking over her neck.

She was so in love with Sakura.

So, so, so in love.

Stupid in love, in fact.

- - -

It was like the first notes of Thirsty by aespa began to play as Kazuha saw Sakura across the crowded town square.

"Whoa," Kazuha gasped, and her face was visibly shocked as her girlfriend smirked, flouncing across the square to her.

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