05. crazy over you

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"Which one?"

"The brown one."

"But I like the white one."

"You just asked me which one, Zuha-ya!"

Kazuha sighed, leaning against the hotel wardrobe as Chaewon stood next to her, rolling her eyes and holding up two jackets. One was a dark brown puffer jacket and the other was a white trench coat. Both were from Superdry; Kazuha adored the brand nearly as much as she revered Chipotle.

Chaewon had already maneuvered Kazuha into an outfit both girls thought was cute: a cropped white tee and baggy jeans. Since most of Kazuha's closet was crop tops anyway, she wasn't sure how best to make an impression: but then Chaewon suggested just "being herself," and that was that.

"Sorry," Kazuha apologized. "It's just-"

"I get it," Chaewon laughed. Kazuha was anxious often, although she was good at hiding it with her enthusiasm; Chaewon, being her longtime friend, saw through this easily. "You want to make a good first impression on this girl."

Kazuha's jaw dropped at Chaewon's tone. "Ssamu-chan! Not like that!" She jumped at the other girl, and Chaewon lurched away, giggling.

"Yah, Zuha-ya!" Their clashing nicknames were quickly intercepted with giggles as the two girls clutched at each other, laughing, but a glance at the time sobered Kazuha up fast.

"No, seriously though, Chae. Brown, or white?"


Kazuha ended up going with the dark brown puffer jacket, which looked good over her jeans and white shirt.

She left her chocolate-colored hair down, wavy and flowing over her shoulders, wearing only light makeup. Chaewon said it made her look radiant, and that was how she felt: glowing and shiny, open and honest.

The place the table read was taking place was a studio in Myeongdong. As Kazuha strolled through the city at night, she looked around in awe: streetlights and signs shining in the dark night, car headlights glowing brightly. Her hands were deep in her pockets, a tote bag thrown over one shoulder; as she walked down the road, she felt her phone buzz. Probably Chaewon- she was going with Yunjin to the read instead of Kazuha.

Kazuha wondered why. (Sarcastically, obviously. Even a blind person could see how badly Chaewon was down for the talent agent.)

She crossed the street and walked down a few more roads, before finally turning into a tall, glassed building. The studio was a few floors up, and she stepped into the elevator.

The hallway was airy, and she walked down before finding the door labeled 'STUDIO' and pushing it open.

"Kazuha!" Yunjin strode towards her, smiling. "Nice to see you. Right on time. Chae's in the seat down the table. You're there, next to Ms. Miyawaki's seat. She's not here yet, but she will be soon. Get yourself settled. Copies of the script over there, make sure to highlight your lines. See you in a few minutes, I think one of the other actors needs me."

Actors? More like Chaewon, Kazuha thought to herself with a smirk as she saw the agent head over to the ballerina and engage herself in another conversation.

After a few minutes, Kazuha's throat grew slightly dry and she stood up to go outside and grab a cup of water.

It was like a stage had been set up, right there, in that studio in Myeongdong: Kazuha was walking around the table, heading outside the door, holding her water.

Her head was down, dark hair falling over her eyes, until she crashed into someone and her head snapped up.

It would have been fine if the water didn't spill over Kazuha, and her eyes met those of the girl directly in front of her. 

"Sumimasen!" Kazuha yelped, bowing quickly, stepping back, ignoring her soaking wet shirt, because the girl she'd walked into was Miyawaki goddamn Sakura.

And God, was she beautiful.

She was shorter than Kazuha by at least three inches, with peach skin and blue-gray hair. She wore lipstick the color of merlot, which perfectly complimented her white lace shirt, the black vest she wore over it, and the skinny jeans that emphasized her legs and slim figure. Her eyes were dark chocolate, and stared into Kazuha's in surprise, her dark red lips slightly open. She was like a statue: a sculpture of perfection, right there, right in front of Kazuha.

Kazuha was instantly in love.

Sakura's eyes flicked down to Kazuha's shirt, and embarrassment quickly shot throughout her as she stared back.

And then the trance was broken and Sakura stepped forward, her face anxious. "I'm so sorry, are you okay?"

"No, no!" Kazuha backpedaled, waving her hands, causing confusion on Sakura's face. "I mean, yes! Yes, I'm okay, but no, you didn't do anything, it's not your fault, I mean."

God, I sound so stupid.

But everything was okay when Sakura smiled. "Thank you. But here." She took off her black vest and reached up to hand it to Kazuha.

Suddenly, Kazuha felt slightly naked, wearing a crop top, so she put on the vest as fast as possible and bowed again. "Arigatou gozaimasu. I mean- uh- kamsahamnida."

Sakura smiled again, and Kazuha's heart pirouetted right over a beat. "You can use Japanese. You're Nakamura Kazuha, right? It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Sakura."


Sakura Sakura Sakura.

God, I think I'm in love with you.

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