11. ready for love

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Kazuha nearly laughed out loud at the lackluster poster

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Kazuha nearly laughed out loud at the lackluster poster.

Since Blue Star would promote in both Japan and Korea, the promotional team had made several different posters, some with both Sakura and Soobin on them, and others with just one. It was pretty widely known that Sakura would be on Japanese posters and Soobin in Korean, due to their individual popularities in each country.

But come on. The kanji was sloppy, the translations detached. Sakura was blurry at the edges in the photo, and there were barely any credits on it. Soobin was barely mentioned, and although Sakura's insane beauty more than made up for it, Kazuha had seen the Korean poster: it was bright, catchy, clear, and showed Soobin as a total heartthrob.

In short, it was way, WAY better.

Kazuha thought it was unfair, but she took out her phone and snapped a photo of the poster anyway.

Mostly because Sakura was on it.

"Do you like it?"

Kazuha nearly jumped out of her skin at Sakura's voice behind her. Kazuha had been standing in the studio, where posters were plastered on the walls everywhere, noticeably more of Soobin than Sakura.

"It's- uh- good-"

"You don't have to lie, Kazuha-chan. It's okay."

"Well, the kanji is positioned all weird," Kazuha began. "Also, since they put all the characters in your name it's harder to read than Soobin's. Also, your picture is blurry."

When Kazuha finished, Sakura grinned widely at her. "They should have you design my poster, you know."

Kazuha couldn't help blushing, but just then her phone pinged with a text from Chaewon.

"Oh, wow," Sakura said, peering at it. The text was long, and Kazuha had to actually open her phone to read the whole thing.

It looked like a vent.


okay omg ik youre busy rn but i have so much to say. firstly me and yunjin yk we were going all fine but then i ask her out (stupid move yes yes i know) since weve been hooking up a little bit and going out sometimes you know? and then she just said 'idk if that would be the best idea seeing as you and i publicly need to remain strictly professional. an affair is fine, but i have a very important and stressful job, as do you. i wouldn't want us to jeopardize this for something that would be as short as it is right now.' LIKE WTF HONESTLY? I DO ALL THIS FOR HER AND SHE PICKS HER JOB OVER ME. so when she came over to me to say hi, i literally turned around and walked away. like what?? am i reading too much into it??

Kazuha blinked at the long message and looked up at Sakura, who was grinning. "Whoa. What do you think?"

"Seeing as your best friend is having a relationship with my talent agent and it's currently not going so well, we should try to clear things up," Sakura shrugged, but just then, of course, Choi Soobin walked around the corner.

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