10. sg

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"Nakamura Kazuha!"

Sakura's voice bounced off the walls like an echo, and Kazuha winced, pausing in the hallway like a deer in headlights.

It was 5:53 a.m., and Kazuha was returning from her morning run, emerging from the elevator on her phone. She'd heard the telltale click of Sakura's door opening, the green light blinking across the keycard on the handle. Kazuha had quickly tried to duck behind something in the hall, so she was caught in front of the elevator trying to get back in when Sakura had emerged, already dressed in a white tank top and jeans, a black cutout half sweater covering her arms, which were crossed. Her blue hair fluttered down around her face, framing her exasperated expression.

The elevator chose that moment to close, and Kazuha dropped her hands, turning to face Sakura reluctantly.


"Sakura-chan," Sakura enunciated, her eyes narrowing in frustration, and Kazuha felt so awful that she just nodded, dropping her head, the expression of a kicked puppy contorting her face.

Sakura must have felt a little guilty, because her voice softened. "Kazuha-chan, why won't you talk to me?"

"I don't know," was the mumbled answer.

Footsteps on carpeted hallway, and Sakura was standing next to Kazuha. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I don't know," Kazuha repeated, staring into the eyes of the girl she was hopelessly in love with.

"Okay," Sakura whispered, and they were gazing into each other's eyes again, just like the trance from yesterday.

"How did you do that?"

"Do what?" Kazuha asked, momentarily shocked from her reverie.

"That acting. Yesterday. That was incredible. How in the world did you do that?"

Kazuha shrugged, adjusting her posture so that she was leaning awkwardly against the wall, her hands in her sweatpants pockets. "I guess... I just kind of went with the moment... and what I felt..."

...for you.

"Well, you felt something pretty impressive, because they're having you shoot three more dancing scenes with me," Sakura laughed, and Kazuha's mind went blank again.

Oh, no. No no no no.

"Uhmmmm," was all that came out of Kazuha's mouth. "Uh."

Sakura raised an eyebrow at her.

"Don't run off again, please... Zuha-chan."

Kazuha's heartbeat blasted off like a rocket, and her throat went dry, a blush instantly coating her face.

"Z- Zuha-ch- chan?"

"Yes, if that's okay?"

Kazuha gazed into the concerned brown eyes of the girl who stole her heart a little more every day.

"More than okay."

* * *

Not okay at all. Not okay. Not okay.

Kazuha was pretty sure her breathing was unusually erratic as she stared at Sakura's outfit for their newest scene. It was a brief flashback of Sakura's character's street-dancing era.

And it was... wow.

Even Soobin, who was watching, stared at Sakura as she walked onto the set. She wore long, baggy black cargo pants and a navy mesh cutout half sweater that covered her arms. A few silver necklaces hung from her neck, and she wore navy earrings and a few matching rings.

The real thing, though, that drew Kazuha's eyes, was the black-and-white checkered crop top she was wearing. It was cut very generously, exposing a chiseled abdomen and pale skin.

"S- Sakura-chan, ohayou gozaimasu," Kazuha stammered out, bobbing her head up and down. She herself was dressed in her own outfit- a professional black pantsuit and cream silk shirt- because this was the scene where Kazuha's character walked down the street and noticed Yumi (or rather, Yumi noticed her).

"Morning, Zuha," Sakura answered cheerfully, as if they hadn't just met a few hours ago and Sakura was wearing the hottest outfit Kazuha had ever laid eyes on. "Are you ready for today?"

"I- uhh," Kazuha mumbled, her eyes still taking in Sakura's outfit and how she looked in it.

Sakura noticed and chuckled. "Done ogling?"

The phrase turned Kazuha's face bright red, and Sakura's expression went from amused to surprised. "You okay?"

"Yes! Um, no. I mean... yes, I think, yeah, yes. Totally, sure, yes. I mean no!"

"So is it yes or no?"

It's no. It's so no. How could it be yes with you in the room?

"It's yes," Kazuha lied. "I'm fine. Thanks."

"Take one!"

The music started, and Sakura was dancing. The setting was a street in a bustling city in Japan, and Sakura's dancing attracted odd looks from the extras (which was intended).

Then Kazuha's character walked down the street, all businesslike, and it was her entrance.

Kazuha wore dark eye makeup and a serious expression. Her hair was long and wavy, blowing out behind her. When she'd spoken to Sakura, she had been wearing her coat, but it was over her arm in the scene as she strode down the street in black heels and waist-hugging black slacks, a cream silk shirt tucked into the tight hem. The collar was a button open, a silver necklace visible between the fabric folds.

The song playing was a popular one- Twice's Kura Kura- and Sakura was doing the chorus moves when Kazuha approached her.

In that second, time stopped. Kazuha's light brown eyes met Sakura's, and Kazuha could have sworn Kazuha's eyes flicked up and down to examine her.

Suddenly, Kazuha could feel her heart beating faster, her breathing coming slightly more quickly. Sakura, Sakura, Sakura. She wanted nothing but the Japanese girl in front of her.

Luckily, Kazuha's character was supposed to just stand there and examine Sakura's dancing, so that she did, taking in every inch of her: her face, her hair, the curves of her arms, her legs for days. Everything about her was suddenly making Kazuha fall in love even more.

The scene cut, which Kazuha was endlessly thankful for: she was sure that her eyes had gone darker than midnight in that moment, and Sakura was probably confused as hell.

But god, Kazuha wanted her so badly, and it was breaking her heart that the other girl knew nothing about it. As she stumbled off the set, she watched Soobin run on and congratulate Sakura, hugging her and smiling. Kazuha's eyes glared at his arms on her waist. A little low. His smile. A little suggestive. His congratulating. Too enthusiastic. Everything about him was pissing her off.

She was in a mood. One of those moods, and she needed to get herself out of here fast before she flipped at Soobin. 

So she turned and walked away from the section of the city being used as the set, tucking herself in between cameras and microphones to watch the action.

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