17. whistle

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Kazuha was glad that Sakura didn't express her feelings.

Yes, it sounded strange. But coming from someone like Kazuha, it was a good thing.

Kazuha expressed her feelings very often. From her multiple confessions to Sakura to her hypercriticism of her own ballet form, she was an open book, which made it easier for her girlfriend to understand her. Sakura, on the contrary, was an actress. She was used to disguising her feelings, and didn't enjoy talking about them. However, she could read emotions like nobody's business, and so she knew exactly how to respond to Kazuha when her mood shifted. Also, she was good at putting on faces, so if Kazuha needed her to be happy or sad, she could do that perfectly. 

This was just one of the many reasons that the two had been going strong for a week and a half.

Sakura and Kazuha hadn't gotten many chances to speak during filming, mostly because the film was cramming all of the Sakura-and-Soobin scenes. Although Sakura shone as much as she usually did, Soobin's possessive nature was accentuating every scene, and in a bad way. Also, Sakura's unenthusiasm didn't help. She clearly didn't like what she was doing, and the cultivated chemistry between the two leads was burning up.

At night, though, they would watch movies together or just cook and talk. Kazuha always went back to her room (except for some nights when she slept on the couch). They hadn't reached that stage in their relationship yet.

In the meantime, Sakura and Kazuha would practice Sakura's scenes. Kazuha pulled off Joonwoo well, due to his character being similar to Mei's. Sakura obviously did Yumi perfectly, and the two worked like magic.

Today was a big day for Soobin. He was filming a scene with Lee Hyun, who played his father, meaning that he'd be out of the way for the whole day, and Sakura was free. She and Kazuha snuck into an empty room on the set and practiced Sakura's big scene with Soobin (the confession scene), Sakura sitting on a chair and Kazuha on a desk.

"I can show you the move tomorrow, if you like. I mastered it," Sakura mentioned, her voice almost eager, just like Yumi's.

"Why tomorrow?" Kazuha answered, trying to keep her voice emotionless, and from the proud smile forming on her girlfriend's face, she'd done it right.

"You have a rehearsal tomorrow, don't you? That one with the classical dance crew, or whatever. Passed by them. They're all over you."

"I'll cancel the rehearsal."


"As you said. I don't enjoy the company of the classical dance crew," Kazuha replied, throwing in a nonchalant shrug. Sakura smiled at her, squeezing her hand, and continued.

"This is the third rehearsal you've put off this week for me," Sakura said, laughing easily. "You know, it really seems like you do like me, Joonwoo-ssi."

"Maybe I do."

The scene was supposed to be taking place as Joonwoo and Yumi were walking through Seoul at night, and just as Joonwoo said those words, he would stop walking and turn to Yumi at the curb, and they would turn and face each other, backlit by the city lights.

Right now, though, Kazuha slid left on the desk, so she was facing Sakura, her faces inches away from the other girl's.

"You what?" Sakura whispered, her voice lost between them, and Kazuha could imagine them standing close on a city street, Sakura's breath forming white clouds in the air, both of them wearing long coats, bundled in the chill.

"Yumi-ssi," Kazuha said softly. "Have you ever thought that maybe there's a reason why I cancel meetings for you? Why I prize you as a dancer and person over every other in my company? Why I trust you? Do you know?"

Sakura inhaled and exhaled slowly, then murmured, "Is it... because you... think I'm a good dancer? Or..."

Kazuha sighed. "You're more than a good dancer. I believe that you and I can create the future of this company. Yumi-ssi, I have feelings for you."

A smile broke out across Sakura's face, and then a matching one spread across Kazuha's. 

"That was so good!" the older Japanese girl squealed, pulling Kazuha toward her and peppering kisses across her face. "You're a natural, Zuha. I'm proud of you."

"I have the best teacher in the world," Kazuha murmured in response, sliding off the desk and into Sakura's lap. She hugged the other girl close and kissed her lightly, and Sakura responded almost instantly, locking her arms around Kazuha's waist and deepening the kiss.

Kazuha's mind floated upwards. She was on cloud nine, the happiest she could possibly be, when a bang sounded outside and Kazuha leaped back onto the desk, Sakura's arms opening wide to let her go.

"Miss Miyawaki? Miss Nakamura?" A voice sounded outside, and one of the Japanese writers of the story entered the room, pausing when he saw the girls.

"Oh! Hello," Kazuha greeted, bowing briefly. Sakura did the same. "Can we help you?"

Kazuha didn't miss the way Sakura straightened up when Kazuha said we, and it made her feel warm and fuzzy inside.

"Yes, actually," the man said. "We heard you rehearsing and... we'd like to discuss some script changes, if that's okay?"

"Yes, of course," Sakura said, ever the professional, and stood up, helping Kazuha off the desk. The two girls followed the man into an office, where three other people stood around a table.

"Ah, they're here!" A woman strode toward them, wearing a black pantsuit. "I'm the movie editor. My name is Aoi. It's a pleasure to finally officially meet you. Nakamura Kazuha and Miyawaki Sakura, I assume?"

"Aoi-san," Kazuha bowed, and Sakura did the same. "Hajimemashite. Douzo yoroshiku."

"Now, since we don't have much time, we'll get right into things," Aoi announced, and waved the two girls into a seat. "It's plain and simple that you two have more chemistry than Miyawaki and Choi do. For the movie, that's not good. However, it's not a bad thing; on the contrary, it's rare for leads to have such intense chemistry already. Also, one of the other crew members heard you rehearsing a few minutes ago and called me over. I have to say, it's pretty impressive. You two compliment each other very well. So, I have to ask."

Kazuha tilted her head in curiosity, but Sakura, being an experienced actress, was already smiling on the inside.

"Will you two be all right with a script change?"

"What kind of change?" Kazuha queried, but Sakura interrupted her with a hand on her arm.

"Zuha, she wants our characters to end up together."

a/n: you guys asked for it, so here it is <33

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