03. solo

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Kazuha's goodbye to her troupe had been tearful, but at the same time laced with exciting promises overflowing with fame and expectations (mostly made by Yunjin). Excitement bubbled in her stomach like a virus, seeping into every inch of her bones and spilling over into her personality. Her normally bubbly, energetic self was even more so, and her mind buzzed with the possibilities.

One in particular, though. Although Yunjin's Japanese was excellent, it was foreigner Japanese: the kind where you didn't use the same phrases you would with a native, didn't get inside jokes only your fellow Japanese would. Kazuha was excited to speak Japanese to Miyawaki Sakura.

Yes, she spoke it daily with her troupe, but Sakura was different.

Chaewon, meanwhile, was overjoyed at the idea of having someone to speak Korean to: Huh Yunjin, aka Chaewon's newest obsession.

Chaewon would go on rants about the girl then quiet when she appeared, blushing politely and using only either Japanese or her limited English, not wanting to exclude Kazuha. Yunjin was so excited about the acceptance of the proposal that Kazuha didn't even know if she was aware Chaewon was Korean. Of course, she likely was, Kazuha just found it interesting Yunjin hadn't said anything yet.

On the plane, she and Chaewon sat next to each other, talking softly occasionally and scarfing down the free snacks to shush the mixture of wild nerves and excitement sparking in the air around them both. Yunjin shot them a glance once in a while as if to reassure them, but she was mostly on her phone and iPad, tapping and texting, probably planning things out.

While they flew, Kazuha researched the movie. She'd printed some news articles beforehand about it, not wanting to waste battery or signal as they flew. The articles were mostly about Sakura and Soobin and the whole Japanese-Korean thing.

Oh, that and "Sookkura," which, in Kazuha's Japanese brain sounded absolutely ridiculous (and probably would in anyone else's).

Apparently, from the few public appearances the two had made, plus the overwhelmingly positive reports of film progress, Sakura and Soobin had absolutely sizzling chemistry, and the scenes were completely a breeze to shoot.

Kazuha had also downloaded videos of both of them acting and dancing, and watched them as they flew.

Soobin was a good actor. He was emphatic and concise, and portrayed physical scenes marginally better than emotional ones, which made him perfect for the role, as his character was supposed to be someone that didn't talk much. As for his dancing, he was all right if not a bit stiff. He did not move with the pronounced elegance of a male ballet dancer, but Kazuha felt that since the film industry manufactured the chemistry in the first Aquaman, they could certainly manufacture Soobin's character being elegant.

Sakura, however...

Her acting was like nothing Kazuha had ever seen.

She didn't just act the character, she was the character, heart and soul, body and mind. She could swap emotions in an instant, say the most ridiculous lines and make them sound like poems. It was like her entire self changed when she acted, and that got Kazuha wondering how she did it.

And then something else occurred to her: Yunjin saying Miyawaki Sakura's new film instead of Choi Soobin and Miyawaki Sakura's. Or even just the film title. It was because it truly was Sakura's film; a vessel of her clear excellence, an obvious ode to her true skill.

Her dancing wasn't awful either. Skill-level, she could use a tad amount of improvement, but that was part of her character: she was aspiring, with dreams bigger than she was. And Sakura did that so well.

So well.

Kazuha couldn't wait to meet her.

a/n: triple update cuz im feeling publishy

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