04. yeah yeah yeah

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"Woahhhh," Chaewon admired as she spun around. The first portion of the shoot was taking place in Korea, where Soobin's company was based. The movie was in Korean, and Chaewon had been helping her with that.

They were in Seoul, and it was spring, the air fresh and people all around. Chaewon hadn't been to her home country in years, and seemed to be reveling in the fact that everyone around her said "annyeong" instead of "konnichiwa" or even just "hello." She took every opportunity to order or speak for Kazuha and show off her still impressively perfect Korean.

Chaewon's Korean was smooth and soft, and seemed to impress Yunjin, whose way of speaking the language was a little sharper. The two held lengthy conversations in the language that Kazuha barely understood as she walked alongside them through the streets.

She was busying herself with something else, though: Miyawaki Sakura.

Kazuha hadn't seen the girl yet, but they were scheduled to meet tomorrow. Kazuha was playing the role of one of Soobin's dancers, one that helped train Sakura in a huge final dance that she had to carry out as part of Soobin's company's showcase. The two characters became quick friends during the movie course, and Kazuha's character was the one that finally got Sakura and Soobin together.

Of course, Kazuha wondered why they hadn't picked out a more experienced actress for the role, but she wasn't complaining, not when she was about to meet Japan's most beloved actress literally tomorrow evening.

Kazuha had lodgings at a hotel nearby to the shoot, and she was staying in a room next to Chaewon. Yunjin's room was down the hall, and for that reason Chaewon's room was more than often empty.

Not inappropriately, Kazuha assumed; she thought they were just talking. Chaewon was very eager about her role as one of Sakura's friends in the ballet school, and Yunjin was informing her about the role as much as she knew.

Later that evening, Kazuha prepared for a good first impression. She practiced and exercised as much as possible, and ate a healthy dinner and slept as much as she could, waiting for the morning.

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