07. typa girl

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"When we pull up you know it's a shut down, ganpan naerigo mun jamga shut down..."

Kazuha slid the earphones out of her ears as she heard her phone ring. She was going on a morning jog through Seoul's spring streets, and someone was calling her. She paused the music.

The caller ID displayed Chaewon's name.


"Moshi moshi," came Chaewon's answer.

"Hai, hai." 

"Okay so Yunjin and I spent so much time together yesterday-"

"Whoa, whoa," Kazuha answered, and she took a quick detour off the street, turning to head back to the hotel. "What kind of time, Chaewon?"

A pause.

"Not that! Aish, you have such a dirty mind, Zuha!"

"Urusai, I don't, the way you-"

"Shh. No. We went out for drinks yesterday, and she told me a bunch about the movie and we talked a lot and it was great and-"

"Drinks. Oh, fantastic."

Kazuha replayed the last drunk-Chaewon and sober-Yunjin scene she'd experienced.

"You know, maybe she has taken a liking to you."

"REALLY?! Uhh, I mean, of course she has, what do you mean?"

"Please, Ssamu-chan. I bet even the biggest drunkard at the bar could've seen the way you look at her."


"...Is it that obvious?"

"Yes, Pupu. It really, really is."

Then whining. "Ahh, but I'm scared! What if she doesn't feel the same way?!"

Kazuha was in the elevator of the hotel now, pressing the door for close but-

-a hand slipped in between the closing metal doors.

Kazuha had never moved so fast. She lunged for the open button and pressed it as quickly as possible, and the doors opened, revealing- 

Oh, crap.


"Annyeong," Sakura answered breathlessly, like she'd just been running.

Of course. Kazuha forgot the actors and staff also stayed here. Dammit.

"Hi," Kazuha offered awkwardly, then remembered she was still holding the phone up to her ear, so she stepped back to make room for Sakura, and answered, "I'm sure she does."

Sakura looked up at her in momentary surprise, but the expression vanished once she saw the phone.


"Yes, really, Ssamu-chan. God, sometimes you are so dense," Kazuha tutted in disapproving Japanese.

An interesting noise, and she noticed Sakura trying to hide a snicker.

Did I make her laugh?

The idea sent butterflies cascading through Kazuha's stomach.

"I'm not dense!" Chaewon yelped back. "I'm just-"

"-down bad," Kazuha finished. "Honestly, you look at her so much it's a wonder you don't go around bumping into things."

Another noise, and Sakura was clearly biting back a laugh now.

"I see fine!"

"Yes, when she's in your line of vision."

Sakura's smile was causing an entire zoo to release itself in Kazuha's stomach.

"Hey," Chaewon whined. "Okay, I'm hanging up!"


Kazuha turned on the speaker, which in hindsight, was an awful mistake.

See, Kazuha's phone had this thing where when it reached maximum, it still wasn't loud enough, so she put the phone on speaker and set it to a lower setting to hear.

(author: i do that too LOL)

Except Sakura and Kazuha were in an elevator, meaning that phone calls on speaker were pretty loud.

"See you," Kazuha said.

Chaewon's voice echoed throughout the elevator.

"Before you go, can you try to find her for me? I haven't seen her for a few hours and she's always hanging around Miyawaki Sakura. Not to blame, though, Sakura's hot."

Then, without knowing she'd just caused a seismic event in a shiny elevator in Korea, Chaewon hung up.

Silence. Kazuha didn't even bother to break it.

Her face was on fire.

A soft noise came from the girl next to her, and for a horrifying second Kazuha thought she was angry.

But it was laughter.

Kazuha's head snapped up in surprise, and she stared at the girl next to her, who was covering her mouth in an effort to hide her laughter, her cheeks painted with a light blush.

"So she's into Yunjin?"

"Erm... yes," was all Kazuha replied, still embarrassed.

"It's okay," Sakura laughed. "A lot of people are, Chaewon isn't the first."

"You know her name?"

Sakura nodded, smiling.

"I see her around sometimes. She seems nice."

"She is," Kazuha answered, a faint smile on her face. Just then, the elevator dinged, and Sakura smiled again.

"This is my floor."

"It's... um," Kazuha blushed.

"It's also mine."

"I'll walk you?" Sakura offered, in Japanese now. Her brown eyes were staring into Kazuha's, her merlot-colored lips slightly parted in a question.

"O- okay," Kazuha replied, knowing that her neck and face were wildly red.

However, if Sakura noticed, she didn't show it.

"Okay," Sakura answered softly, and they were walking in the same direction, Kazuha walking slightly ahead of Sakura.

"Oh, this is where my room is too," Sakura remarked once they continued down the corridor, and Zuha's heart lurched. 

Please tell me we aren't-

"You're in 405?"

"Yes," Kazuha answered.

"Oh, okay," Sakura replied, and they stood there awkwardly in the hall before Sakura looked up at Kazuha and smiled.

"I'm in 406. I guess we're neighbors."

Oh, God.

Why did I have to be next to the person I'm falling in love with?

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