16. kick it

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In hindsight, running from the elevator hadn't been the best move, seeing as Sakura and Kazuha literally had hotel rooms next to each other.

So, they ended up walking each other to their rooms, both of them lost in their own thoughts. Kazuha was wondering if Sakura liked her, and Sakura was wondering how exactly to tell Kazuha she did.

Which was pretty stupid, because if either one had opened their mouths, they'd find the answer.

"Okay, I should go," Sakura said quickly, turning to go into her room. Kazuha just nodded.

Sakura reached into her bag for the keycard, slipping it into her hands and reaching to open the door, but a hand stopped her.

Sakura turned around and lost her breath. Kazuha was standing above her, her long hair falling over her shoulders, her eyes concerned and her lips pursed as if she had a question to ask. "Wait. Please?"

"Kazuha," Sakura whispered, but the word was practically lost as the two just stared at each other.

"I need to know," Kazuha mumbled, but she didn't move, and Sakura became hyperaware of how close the two were. "I need to know if you feel the same, Kkura. Because this entire shoot I've been all in my head about whether you like me or not. I just need an answer. Yes or no will be okay," she finished.

Why did I force it on her like that... 

Kazuha felt herself blushing as Sakura stared back at her in surprise. The silence between them grew almost painful.

But then Sakura dropped her bag, turned to Kazuha, and began to speak.

"I don't love her because she's pretty, I like her because she's a good person at heart. She can be a little emotional sometimes, but I don't mind that because it shows that she knows what she wants in life. She's also a little dramatic, but I don't mind that either because it shows self-awareness. Everything about her, to me, is so calculated in a way I couldn't begin to understand. She's a script I wouldn't mind reading from for the rest of my life. I wouldn't mind giving everything up for her either. That's why I'm doing this. Do you get it now?"

Kazuha almost had a heart attack. Those were her lines.

In the movie, that monologue was Mei's way of explaining to Yumi why she loved Hiroshi and would give it all up for him. But coming from Sakura, she had flipped the gender and substituted the line of "he's a routine I wouldn't mind practicing" with "she's a script I wouldn't mind reading from."

An ad-lib. At this point, it had become their thing.

"I get it," Kazuha whispered.

"I like you too," Sakura said, by way of answer, and Kazuha's heart burst.

- - -

After the awkward confession session in the hallway, the two girls somehow managed to make it onto the couch into Sakura's room, where they figured everything out.

Kazuha learned that Sakura actually had liked her since the rain scene, when she had shook herself from being dazed and opened her eyes to realize that it had been not only her favorite scene to act but also that Kazuha was her favorite person to act with. From there, it had been a downward spiral, with the screaming fight being fueled by underlying jealousy. At this, Kazuha had almost laughed, because a part of her had been jealous of Sakura and Soobin too.

Sakura, meanwhile, learned that Kazuha had been down bad for her ever since they first met, and that the entire movie and "Sookkura" thing had confused her beyond belief (and made her pissed at Soobin, but that was a story for another day).

In short, they managed to successfully talk it out, and by the end of their conversation, Kazuha didn't want to go, and Sakura didn't want her to go either.

So, they ended up watching one of Sakura's movies on her couch.

This movie was the movie that made her famous, and Kazuha had to admit, she could see why. In it, Sakura played a teenager whose mother had gone missing. The movie had been filmed when Sakura was only fifteen, but the ten years that had passed since then didn't age it at all. Sakura's acting, although less pronounced, was still as incredible as it was twenty-two minutes ago, when Sakura confessed to Kazuha. She made a clever teenager, and since it wasn't a romance film, she shone without another star to blot her light.

Kazuha really enjoyed the movie. She found it smart. The main character found clues that were later cleverly woven into the story. She could see why it had made Sakura famous.

However, when the movie finished, Sakura laughed when the credits rolled. "You know, I actually didn't want to do this movie."

"What, why? You did so well," Kazuha said incredulously, and Sakura flushed at the praise before answering.

"I found it a bad first plot. I mean, who wants to get famous off teenagers tracking missing parents? But, my agent back then convinced me, because there were a ton of big-name actors in this movie and it was sure to hit. Imagine my surprise when he told me that it was my acting that had made the movie all this money."

"I can see why," Kazuha agreed. "You're better than any actress I've ever seen."

"Thanks," Sakura replied with a soft laugh. "You're not so bad yourself, you know."

"I'd rather dance," Kazuha announced, and Sakura grinned. "Dancing is my life."

"Do you think you'll go back to the company once the movie ends?" Sakura questioned, and Kazuha shrugged.

"Maybe. I might. That company has been my life for so long it's hard to imagine anything else, but... I have obligations here."

"Obligations, huh?" Sakura laughed. "What kinds of obligations?"

"Firstly, I need to know what Chaewon's deal with Yunjin is because if they get together, I'm obviously not going to leave her," Kazuha began. "Secondly, I can't just ditch Eunchae. Also, there's someone else."

"Oh, I wonder who," Sakura mused. "Tell me about this person."

"She's pretty great," Kazuha grinned, and Sakura's heart flipped as Kazuha's face turned mushy, her eyes far away and a lovestruck smile on her face. "She's an actress. Pretty out of my league, but I won her over with my amazing dancing skills and incredible acting. She was super impressed by that."

"Out of your league, huh?" Sakura nudged, trying to hold in her laughter.

"Yeah," Kazuha agreed, the lovestruck smile only growing bigger. "She's beautiful. So pretty. And she's the best actress there is. She's got so many people after her, and she likes me. I was surprised when I heard that, and I still am. I want to stay by her side forever," Kazuha finished.

Sakura was quiet, and then she asked, "Zuha?"

Kazuha tilted her head in curiosity, humming in reply.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Sakura had barely gotten the question out when Kazuha's grin spread from ear to ear and she nodded quickly.


a/n: FINALLY, LIKE I WAS GROWING GRAY HAIRS WAITING FOR THIS... but anyway, i saw your guys' requests for a plot twist, and i'm workin on it 😏😈😈😈

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