Chapter 2

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-Danny's POV-

I get home from school, and almost on cue receive a text from Simon.

(This next part is a text conversation between them)

Simon: Hey, thanks for teaching me today about everything. Meant a lot :)))

Danny: Ofc, no need to thank me :)

Simon: You're the first nice person I've met at this campus so far haha

Danny: Good to know, I'll be mean tomorrow >:)

Simon: Nooooo, be nice :P

Danny: That's a lot of work, but okayyyy

Simon: YAY, nice person. So, watcha doinnnnn

Danny: Laying down. Just got home from school. Hbu?

Simon: Currently texting you while in the shower lmao

Danny: HAH, watch out, it's shark season

Simon: Uh oh, I don't want sharks to see me naked

Danny: Save that for jellyfish

Simon: Or you ;)

Danny: HUH


Danny: Mmhm sureeeeee

Simon: I feel like that's your humor lmaoooo

Danny: Why waste your time feeling like that's my humor when you could be feeling me up?

Simon: SEE? TOLD YOU!!!

Danny: Haha

Simon: Watcha doinnnnn

Danny: Still laying downnnn

Simon: Sounds fun, got space for another person in that bed?

Danny: Maybe...

Simon: You'll have to prove that sometime

Danny: Your humor is so gay

Simon: I mean... I am gay... so.........

Danny: Makes sense now lmaoooo

Simon: Wait, that doesn't bother you?!

Danny: Should it? I doubt I'm straight lmao

Simon: #1, You are the first person to be like, actually ok with that, and #2, AYEEEE I HAVE A CHANCE!


Simon: The universe

Danny: Tell me what else it said

Simon: That we should hang out after school tomorrow :3

Danny: Ughhhhh why is the universe on your side rn

Simon: Cause it likes me

Danny: Tell it to give me some luck

Simon: You've got luck

Danny: Whatever helps you sleep at night :D

Simon: Ok, deep talk then, what's not lucky.

Danny: Why lol

Simon: You get to know each other through the deep stuff

Danny: That sounded wrong

Simon: It sounded right in both ways for me, but go on sir, what's up with your luck.

Danny: No pity parties, deal?

Simon: Deal.

Danny: Do your parents accept you?

Simon: Yes luckily, why, do yours not?

Danny: They would if they were alive

Simon: Wait what...

Danny: They died in an accident when I was 16. They left me everything, which meant nothing to me, but was enough to get my own place, and put myself through college, and get a car. I'm being smart with the money that's left.

Simon: I know you said no pity parties, but I'd be heartless if I didn't say I'm so sorry for your loss. That's rough, and I can't imagine that pain.

Danny: I wouldn't wish it on anyo- ok maybe a few people, but I'm ok. I'm doing good for myself :)

Simon: You still laying down?

Danny: Yeah lmao, why

Simon: Tomorrow, wanna hang out and watch a movie in the bed you're laying down in?

Danny: You could've just said "wanna watch a movie at your place" haha

Simon: Yeahhhhhh I realize that now

Danny: Yeah, we can totally do that :)

Simon: Ok :) you are getting a sympathy hug whether you like it or not tomorrow when I see you.

Danny: Does it have to be a sympathy hug?

Simon: Fine, a big hug.

Danny: As long as the word sympathy is out of it, that works for me.

Simon: Good

Danny: Great

Simon: Perfect

Danny: Amazing

Simon: Wanna bang?

Danny: Ok


Danny: HAH

Simon: So... you are into guys?

Danny: Depends on the guy I guess haha

Simon: What about girls?

Danny: Depends on the guy I guess

Simon: Yep, gay.

Danny: Yeahhhhhhh you got me lmaooo

Simon: Haha

Danny: I'm gonna probably get some rest, I'm really tired

Simon: Go get some sleep :3 I'll cya tomorrow :)))

Danny: Cya tomorrow :)))

I put down my phone, and smile. Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough... please.

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