Chapter 10

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Simon's POV

——Time Skip One Week——

It's been a week since I've seen Danny. Last time I saw him was in newspaper club. Since then, he's been at home and not at campus. We've been texting and calling, but he's sick and I feel horrible, and helpless that I can't do anything to help him right now. We've FaceTimed a lot, and have fallen asleep on FaceTime every night so that it feels somewhat normal, but he just seems so drained, and sick. I want to surprise him today, even if that means I get sick too.

"Hey mom" I yell from my room. She's downstairs currently doing paperwork for her job.

"Yeah hun?" She yells back to me.

"I'm gonna go to Danny's. I don't want him being alone anymore especially when he is sick" I yell to her. I can hear her take a deep breath from downstairs.

"Pack things to stay there just incase you get sick too" she yells.

"Ok. Love you" I yell down to her.

"Love you too. Be safe, and tell Danny I said feel better" she yells back to me.

——Time Skip——

I pull up to Danny's apartment complex. It's more like a townhouse kind of situation place. It's a really nice area. I didn't let him know I was coming. I want it to be a surprise. I get out of my car, and grab my backpack out of my passenger seat.

I start walking up to the stairs that are on the outside. It's almost reminiscent of a college dorm apartment. I guess it is a townhouse since it's his own separate area, and there's no getting buzzed in. It's just one story though, and upstairs. I get upstairs and head to his door.

I knock on it three times.

I hear footsteps coming, and I quickly put my finger over the peephole so that he doesn't see that it's me. I hear the door unlock, and it opens kinda slowly, and that's when I see him. He's wearing gray sweats, a black hoodie, and a beanie.

(Here ya go)

Instantly, I can see a sad smile form on his face

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Instantly, I can see a sad smile form on his face. I can read his expression perfectly. He's happy I'm here. He's sad that it means I'll possibly get sick.

Without him able to say anything about not wanting me to get sick, I instantly hug him. When I say hug, I mean a giant hug. The second I hug him, he hugs me back, tightly. There's no point in not hugging me back at that point. We're already past the point of no return with me possibly getting sick. I have my eyes closed, and just have my head resting against his chest.

"I couldn't handle the distance anymore" I whisper to him loud enough so that he could hear me. He just hugs me tighter.

"I just didn't want you to get sick too. It's been hell" Danny says. It's a bit mumbled since his face is pressed against my head.

"I'm staying with you the rest of the time, I don't care what you say" I say to him. It sounds mumbled a bit as I hold him tighter.

"I know" he says, and kisses the top of my head. We break the hug, and I turn around and shut the door to his apartment. I look back to him. He's shivering a little. Damn, he is really sick.

"Let's go get you into bed. I'm holding you though" I say. He gives a small smile and nods. I take his hand, and we both walk to his room. When we get in there, I can see more blankets than usual. He must've been really cold.

"Where did you get all these blankets from?" I ask.

"They were in the closet with my towels. Whenever I do my wash, I've gotta have something to replace my old blankets with" he says. He's still shivering. I instantly pull him over into bed, and lay next to him. I pull the covers up, and then I wrap my arms around him. I can feel him snuggle into me closely.

"Better?" I whisper to him. He's facing away from me, and he's lower than me for once. I'm the big spoon this time.

"Much" he responds. I hold him tighter. His shivering starts going away as I start warming him up.

"Get some rest. I'll be here holding you the whole time" I whisper to him. He nods.

"Ok" he whispers back.

"I love you" he whispers. I smile.

"I love you too" I whisper back to him.

I hold him closer against me, and it doesn't take long for him to fall asleep. He's been sleeping a lot since he got sick.

His beanie is kinda itchy on my neck since I'm holding him so I carefully and slowly take it off him. His hair is all messy, almost like bed head slightly. It's really adorable... and kinda hot.

Both my arms are wrapped tightly around him. I don't care if I end up not being able to fall asleep. I'm staying right here in this position with him. It's not boring to me. I don't need my phone to entertain me while he's asleep next to me. I just need him in my arms. That's all I need.

——Time Skip A Half Hour——

It's been around a half hour, and it's tough for me to fall asleep. I'm not used to being the big spoon, let alone he's much taller than me. It's kinda tough. I'm not tired though either.

I feel Danny grip tighter on me. Is he awake?

"Danny?" I ask. I get no response. He jolts a little in his sleep. What's going on? Is he having a nightmare? He jolts again, and this time grabs me even tighter. He's almost shaking a little. I can tell it's from some sort of fear. I have to wake him up.

"Hey babe? Wake up, it's just a nightmare" I say, and shake him slightly. I sit up more so I can see him. He doesn't wake up.

"Babe? Wake up" I say again, but a little louder. I shake him again, and his eyes bolt open. Instantly he flips around, almost in a panic motion. Yeah, he definitely just had a bad nightmare.

He quickly makes eye contact with me, and then just falls into me. I wrap my arms around him. He's shaking a lot.

"It was just a nightmare, I'm right here" I say. His breathing is heavy, and hitching a bit. It's almost like he's trying not to cry, or breakdown.

"Please don't ever go" he whispers. His voice is trembling a lot. This is the first time seeing Danny like this. Seeing him this vulnerable. I'm always the one afraid of losing him, and he is always reassuring me. I get scared it bothers him, but it never does. This time, it's him that's afraid.

"I'm never going anywhere love, you know that" I say, holding him tighter. That's when he starts crying a little. He can't see my face, but I know my expression is a bit of shock mixed with sympathy. I never really step back and look at the bigger picture. I'm over here terrified to lose him but have never experienced that true loss. Danny has.

"Did you have a nightmare that I left?" I ask, but try to comfort him at the same time. He just nods into my chest. I hold him tighter.

"I swear on everything in this world I am never going anywhere" I say. He holds me tighter back, but not death grip.

"I love you" he whimpers. I wanna cry now. He sounds like he's lost almost.

"I love you" I say. I just hold him against me. He doesn't move away from me, and I refuse to move away from him.

He's still shaking in my arms. I decide maybe he needs some more reassurance.

"I'm marrying you one day, you know that right?" I say. He lets out a small sad laugh.

"Yes cause I'm marrying you one day" he says. I didn't even say it to hear reassurance. I said it for him. I don't care for reassurance on my end, I just care about his end of things.

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