Chapter 1

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-Danny's POV-

One step in front of the other. That's all I can tell myself, everyday, every minute, every second. Don't look up, just look down. Don't make eye contact, it's not worth the awkwardness. Just keep to yourself Danny. Just... one step in front of the other.

There's not much to me. I'm pretty much like everyone else. I don't know why people can't see that. Maybe cause I don't put myself out there, but if someone took the time to know me, they wouldn't be surprised why.

I don't have parents. They died when I was 16. In their will, they left me everything. I didn't care for materialism, I cared for them to be back. I was able to easily afford my own place. Something small, somewhere to come home to, and feel somewhat comfortable, but most of all, just safe. That's all I needed after being outside this entire time.

I'm a freshman in college, and that's important to me. Call me a nerd for putting education as a priority, but I want to do something with my life. Something with writing. I'm part of the newspaper club, and I get to unleash my creativity, and style of writing in each print. Funny that the girl who runs the newspaper club hardly acknowledges my existence. I'm the one who always gets approved immediately, while other people have to make changes. There's only like 10 of us. I heard there's a new guy joining soon so hopefully he's better than they are... maybe he'll even acknowledge my existence... unless he's an asshole. Then he can shove it.

"And... send" I whisper to myself as I finish sending my draft to the girl, Amanda, who does the composing. I just sit back in my chair, and pull out my phone out of boredom. I start scrolling through my notes app, and look at songs I've written. There's a few deep cuts that I regret writing, but I know they won't ever go away.

"Hey Danny?" I hear from across the room. Wow, I'm not transparent. I look up to see it's Amanda. She waves her hand in a "come here" motion.

I stand up, and walk towards her.

"What's up" I say nonchalantly.

"You misspelled Algorithm" she says. I look at the screen. A. L. G. O. R. I. T. H. M. Uh... no I didn't.

"Um... I didn't actually" I say, and scratch the back of my head, nervously. She raises an eyebrow, and looks it up on her phone. Her face turns to an "ohhhh" expression. It takes a lot for me not to snicker at that.

"My bad, you got it. By the way, it's really good. I don't think anybody here tells you that often, including me. All the stuff you write is really good. You definitely inspire" she says. That's honestly the first nice thing anybody has said to me in... I can't recall. I smile to her.

"Thank you... that means a lot" I say, and smile slightly. She smiles back.

"Hey, so there's a new guy joining. His names Simon. I figure since your writing is top tier, maybe you should be the one to introduce him into the club, and how to work everything. Give him a few pointers, the whole gist" Amanda says. I smile.

"Ok" I say, when deep down I'm mentally saying 'you've gotta be fucking kidding me right now'.

"Thank you, you're the best. He should be here any minute. Class schedules suck" Amanda says. Suddenly, from behind us across the room, I hear a knock on the door. The doors opened, but it's more of a 'get someone's attention' knock. It clearly worked.

"Hi, sorry... is this the writing club...?" The boy asks. I'm not one to deny any feelings I have, so I'll straight up admit. He's hot. He has light brown hair that's wavy, and covers his forehead, yet is a big shaggy, and the sides are short, he has what seems to be green eyes, he's probably 5'10, and he just looks... hot. He's skinny, not anorexic skinny. He's wearing a brown hoodie, and blue jeans with converse, and why am I studying this boy so fucking hard.

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