Chapter 11

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Simon's POV

"You're sweating a lot babe, do you wanna take off your hoodie?" I ask. He looks at me, and with a sad smile nods.

"Ok, let me help you" I say. I might be treating him like he's helpless but I came here to be with him, and help him. I don't care if helping him means babying him.

He lifts up his arms a bit, and I pull his hoodie off of him. That's when I notice he's not wearing a shirt. He's only wearing a hoodie.

"Better now?" I ask. He gives me a slight smile.

"Yeah, just really tired" he says. I smile back to him, and lay on my back, and pat my chest.

"Come lay down" I say to him. He gets the memo immediately, and lays his head on my chest. I drag the covers over us since I know he's still a bit cold. I feel him put one leg over my legs, and his arm over my chest, and snuggles into me.

"I love you" he says.

"I love you" I say in response. I give him a quick kiss on the forehead. I know he'll be asleep within three minutes. I decide to close my eyes and see if I can get some rest as well.

I can feel my eyes getting heavy, and I start drifting away into sleep.

——Time Skip——

I wake up, and look around the room. Danny is still on my chest sleeping, but I must've been asleep for a long time because outside the window it is jet black. I look down at Danny. All I can see is the top of his head, but he's right where he was when we fell asleep. It's probably been hours. Correction, it's been hours for sure. It's already dark.

I pull him closer onto me, and kiss the top of his head.

"I love you" I whisper so that I don't wake him up from sleeping.

"I love you" he mumbles back to me. Mission failed.

"I'm sorry babe, did I wake you up?" I ask. Danny shakes his head against me.

"I just woke up but I've been playing dead" he says. I laugh a little at him.

"How are you feeling?" I ask. He shrugs, and grips onto me tighter.

"A little better. I might take a shower" he says, and scoots away a bit to look up at me. He gives me a small smile. I smile back to him, and brush some of his messy hair out of his eyes so that I can see them. They are crystal blue, and look like the ocean.

"Are you stalking me right now Simon?" Danny asks. I start laughing, and so does he a little.

"Call the truth corny all you want, but your eyes are just easy to get lost in" I say. He smiles to me.

"That was extremely corny" he says, and gives a little laugh. I laugh too at what I had said.

"Yeah, yeah, go get in the shower. I'll make dinner for us" I say. He smiles, and leans up to kiss my cheek.

"You don't have to you know. We could always order out" he says. I shake my head.

"I like the chance of possibly burning down your kitchen" I say jokingly. His face goes playfully blank.

"That's my cue to hop in the shower" he says. I laugh. We both get up out of bed, and he walks over to a little hook hanging on the wall that holds his towel. He takes the towel off the wall, and is about to go to the bathroom, but I stop him.

"Hey" I say. He turns around. I grab him by the front waistband of his sweatpants. When I say front waistband, I mean my fingers may have brushed against something. I automatically give him a kiss. It last a good four seconds, and then we break the kiss.

I pull away, and see him blushing like crazy. I know for a fact that I'm blushing too. I don't know what got into me, but I don't regret it.

"Just know. If I wasn't sick right now, you'd be on your knees for doing that" Danny says. I smirk, and step on my tippy toes. I lean up to his right ear.

"Can't wait for you to feel better than" I whisper lustfully. I pull back away, and look at his face. He's biting his bottom lip.

"Enjoy your shower babe. I love youuuuuu" I say cheerfully. I give him a big smile. He rolls his eyes playfully, and gives me a smile.

"I love you" he says. He kisses my forehead, and heads into the bathroom to take a shower.

——Time Skip——

I made us egos waffles for dinner. Never said I was good at cooking. I did however make them look fancy and such. After we ate those, we watched Sleepy Hollow, the Tim Burton adaptation of course, and now we're just cuddling. I'm lying on his chest this time though.

"I don't want to be with anybody else but you" I say while laying on his chest. It's out of nowhere, but I just say it.

"You'll never have to worry about that. We both aren't leaving each other. Ever." He says. It's a sense of reassurance that I didn't know I needed. I cuddle up closer to him.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask.

"You just did" Danny says playfully. I laugh a little.

"Hah hah very funny. But no, seriously" I say. He starts rubbing my shoulder.

"Of course babe" he says.

"What's your dream life? Like your plans after we graduate?" I ask. I'm kind of nervous. I don't know if they include me as much as I'm hoping they do.

"Well, I want to be a writer in any form. Song writer, ghost writer, journalism, anything. Those luckily are everywhere because the main thing is I will follow you wherever you want to go. It's you and me. We get a place together, we don't say goodbye, we say goodnight. We just have a life together. The key word for everything is together. I'm not saying all of this cause I think it's what you want to hear. I'm saying this cause it's what my dream life is. It's with you. Anything without you is just a nightmare" Danny says. Every word sinks into my mind like a cloud swallowing the sky. I sit up, and look at his blue eyes.

His expression is a mix of loving, vulnerability, and honesty. He gives me a smile, and instantly my heart melts.

"Any scenario without you is a nightmare to me. You are my dream life. Everything you said is my dream too. You said what I wish I could've said first, but it was on my mind the whole time" I say. His smile grows. I smile to him, and push myself closer up to him, and give him a kiss.

The kiss is deep and passionate. It's in sync too. We break the kiss, and lean our foreheads against each other.

"I know it'll never make sense to explain... but you taste like the night" I whisper to him. I can't explain it, but it's just the perfect explanation.

"Is that good?" Danny whispers back to me. I give a smile to him.

"Yes... because without your kiss, I'd be dead by daylight" I say. He gives me a smile.

"You'll never have to worry about that then" he says.

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