Chapter 5

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Danny's POV

"I don't exactly have anything packed to sleep in" Simon says. I smile looking at him. My hands are still around his waist, and he hasn't left my lap. I'm very much ok with that.

"I have clothes you can borrow" I say.

"You mean steal?" He says. By say, I mean corrects me cause I know that's what'll happen. I roll my eyes.

"Yes, clothes you can steal" I say laughing a bit. He smiles to me. I can't help but give him a quick peck. He looks a bit shocked at the sudden kiss, but smiles.

"What clothes do you need?" I ask.

"I usually just sleep in sweats, and a t-shirt. How about you?" He asks. Usually, I just sleep in my boxers and a t-shirt, but I'm gonna wear sweats tonight.

"I'll do the same" I say smiling. He furrows his eyebrows.

"You don't usually sleep in sweats, do you" he says, smirking. I roll my eyes again playfully with a smile.

"You caught me. It's usually just boxers, and a t-shirt for me, but I shall wear sweats cause I don't wanna feel left out" I say. He shakes his head. Uh oh.

"Nope, how about we both sleep like you usually do" he says. I instantly blush, and I can tell my eyes are wide... well, I mean that's easy to tell since I can see more.

"Fineeeeee" I say. He laughs, and I just smile, shaking my head. I lift him off me, and stand up. Instantly, I stretch. Sitting like that for a while with someone on your lap is definitely tiring.

I walk over to my dresser, and open up my drawer that has my t-shirts in it. I grab a gray one for him. It has a Vans logo on it, and I grab a plain black one for me. I turn around, and toss the shirt to him.

"Here you go good sir" I say to him. He smiles.

"Thank you kindly" he responds back. I smirk in response. I start taking off the shirt I'm wearing now right in front of him. I know what I'm doing, and I know without looking the face he's making. I'm not built or anything, but I have managed to keep a six pack, so I wonder how he's reacting to that right now. The shirt I'm taking off is kinda blinding me.

My shirts completely off, and I start putting on my black t-shirt.

"Wait" Simon says. I look over to him, and see him just staring at me. He's red as hell in the face, and it looks like he can't function.

"Ok, you're good to go now" he says after ten seconds. I laugh a bit, and put my shirt on. I throw my dirty shirt into the laundry basket. It's not full yet so I don't have to worry about wash.

I look back to Simon, and see that he is about to put on his gray t-shirt that I gave him. He looks so hot. He's not built, but he's just... perfect. He's skinny, but not skin and bone. I can't describe it. I lean against my dresser, facing him, and when his shirt is on, he looks up to me.

"Hi" he says. I smile.

"Herrow" I say back. It makes him laugh a bit.

"So why are your pants still on?" He says smirking, I raise an eyebrow, and decide to be my flirty self.

"Cause you haven't come over here and taken them off me, duh" I say. He freezes, and the shocked expression says it all. He gets up and walks over to me, and wraps his arms around me, and gives me a kiss.

I feel his arms move down to the waistband of my joggers. They are cargo pants combined with joggers. It's a weird but cool mix. I can then feel him pull them down, and he kisses me again. I kick my pants off me, and just pull him closer. We aren't going further than this, but it's fun to tease.

I don't let him look down, but instead, move my fingers down to his waist, and reach the waistband of his pants. He's wearing jeans, so I make my way to the front, and slowly undo the button, and then unzip them. After that, I pull them down slowly without breaking the kiss. He does the rest by kicking them off.

We break the kiss afterwards, and just lean our foreheads against each other's.

"How's that?" I ask. He smiles in response.

"Much better" he says. I smirk, and pull away. I glance down quickly so that he doesn't notice me looking, and I can see he's wearing red boxers that fit tight to his skin. I'm simply wearing gray ones that also fit tight, but are a bit longer down my thighs.

Difference between him and I is that he is staring.

"What" I ask laughing a bit. He looks up, and his face is redder than his boxers, and he gulps a bit. His eyes are wide but he puts on a smile. I raise my right eyebrow.

"N-nothing" he says. I'm not hard or anything, so I don't know what he- oh... he's staring at my bulge... I mean it's easy to tell who's bigger. I'm not 'cocky' about it, but I definitely won.

"Is something wrong?" I ask laughing a bit. He laughs a bit.

"Just when it comes time, it looks like I might be on bed rest" he says. I can't help but laugh a bit at that. It was so left field.

"Are we gonna go cuddle now?" I ask smiling. He smiles back, and grabs my hand, and quickly yanks me into my bed. I yelp from the sudden jerk motion of my body.

"Jesus, someone's eager to cuddle" I say.

"You're gonna have to hold me, my phones in my pocket, and that might be uncomfortable" he says. He's blushing a lot, and is lying in a way where I can't see much of his front. We don't have pockets.

"You know that I know exactly what you mean, right?" I say. He nods, and then hides his face in the pillow. I laugh. He's just being adorable right now.

"Just turn on your side so I can hold you" I say laughing. He quickly turns on his side, and I lay down right next to him.

Now, let's get one thing 'straight'. I'm a complete tease. I've learned this since meeting Simon. I wrap my arms around him, him facing away from me. We're basically spooning, and I'm the big spoon.

I decide to press all of me up against him. I feel him melt in my arms. It's adorable to me. What seals the deal is when he grabs my arms, and pulls himself tighter against my body. We kick the blanket up over our legs, and torso.

"Are you warm?" I ask him. He nods.

"Very" he mumbles. I can tell his is tired.

"Good" I say, and kiss the back of his head. He just snuggles up more into me as a response.

"Hey Danny?" Simon says.

"Yeah Simon?" I respond to him.

"Don't... don't g-" before he could finish his sentence, I cut him off.

"I won't... I promise" I whisper to him. I feel him snuggle into me even more. I smile to myself.

"Thank you" he whispers back. I kiss the back of his head.

"You never have to thank me" I say.

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