Chapter 13

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Simon's POV

"Ok, just lay down and relax. You're gonna be bed rest for a while babe" I say as I get Danny in my bed. It's been a long two days, and finally we're home today back at my house. I'm scared for when his pain meds wear off.

"I'm tired" he says. He sounds it too. I've just been next to him this whole time. At the hospital, I refused to leave his side. He's gotten up and moved around which is good when he was there.

"Do you wanna get some sleep?" I ask him. He looks towards me and just nods. I give him a small smile.

"Ok babe, let me get you comfortable" I say. I grab the blankets and pull them up carefully on top of him.

"It's hot in here" Danny says. He's wearing a shirt right now which probably doesn't help. I know that his wound is all stitched up but also wrapped so that it's protected all around.

"Do you want me to take off your shirt babe?" I ask. He smiles to me with a slight smirk.

"God I wish you were asking that under different circumstances" he says. At least he still has his quick wit. I smile and laugh a little.

"Put your left arm up. I'll be careful, I promise" I say. I grab the hem of his shirt, and pull it upwards. He starts raising his left arm. I get it over his arm, and off his neck. Now just to get it past the right side of his bandage and right arm.

I slowly start pulling it down his arm. I see his eyes brows raise a little either the facial expression of 'please hurry, this fucking hurts'. So I do.

I quickly get his shirt off. He winces a little in pain. I quickly kiss him, and instantly he kisses me back. At the hospital, he told me when I kiss him that he forgets about the pain. I have absolutely no problem with that.

I look at his body. His torso is wrapped in a bandage, covering the wound completely on his side. The wound is around a foot long. It wasn't a small cut.

"Can I have my beanie?" Danny asks. I look at his hair to see it's a mess. I smile at him. Usually I'd call it cute, refuse to give him his beanie, and mess it up even more until he had me pinned down and was tickling me. Now though, I'll do anything this boy asks.

"Of course babe" I say. I look over at my dresser and see his black beanie. I get up and grab it. I walk back to him, and slide it onto his head just the way he wears it. He looks adorable.

"Thank you" he says giving me a small smile. I smile to him, and put my hand on the left side of his face.

"I love you" I say.

"I love you too" Danny says. He smiles. I smile right back at him.

"Thank you... for being there for me. I'm sorry that you had to fight that guy and I promise I'm gonna fucking kill hi-" Danny starts.

"Babe. You don't have to thank me. And don't worry about that guy. I deformed him for life possibly. Let that be his murder" I say. I smile to him. He gives me a smile.

"Just don't go" Danny says. I lean closer to him. Why is he overthinking so much? This isn't like him.

"Babe. You know I never will. Imma marry you one day. What's going on in your head right now?" I ask him, looking into his eyes.

He looks down quickly, and then back into my eyes.

"Being in that hospital just gets me scared... It made me remember how I lost my family... I can't lose you too" Danny says. I look him in the eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere ever. Neither of us are" I say. He looks down again though with sadness in his eyes.

"I know it's probably messed up to someone else on the outside to hear this. Maybe it's messed up in general... actually, no it's not. Losing you... that would hurt more than the loss I went through with my parents" Danny says. Shock basically takes over me. He just compared the idea of losing me to his parents... and that losing me would be worse. I can tell he sees the shock on my face. If he could turn away from me right now, I feel like he would.

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