Chapter 7

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Simon's POV

"Mom, I'm home" I yell when I walk in the door of my house. I hear shuffling from the kitchen.

"Hey hun, how was your sleepover at Danny's? Not to sound like a helicopter parent, but I missed you" she says smiling, and gives me a hug. I laugh a bit. Should I tell her? Yeah, I mean I'm always opened with my mom about things so no reason not to tell her about Danny and me. She pulls away from the hug.

"It was really good. We watched movies, cuddled" I started.

"And let me guess, made out" she says laughing. My face goes blank.

"I was gonna say kiss to keep the order of events intact, but whatever helps you sleep at night" I say laughing. She smiles, and walks back to the kitchen.

"I'm happy for you hun. He seemed really nice on the phone" she says. I smile to myself.

"He is. He's really caring too... and hot" I add. She laughs.

"Do you have a picture of him?" My mom asks. I think for a second. Do I? I pull out my phone, and go to my camera roll. First photo that pops up is actually a photo of Danny I took of him while driving. It was for his contact photo. I click on the photo, and spin my phone around.

"Here Mom, this is Danny" I say. She turns around, and looks at the photo of him.

 She turns around, and looks at the photo of him

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I see her eyes go wide.

"Woah" she says.

"What" I say laughing. She better not be starting to make fun of my future boyfr-

"You definitely got the most attractive one from the bunch, that's what" she says. I smile.

"I know" I say smiling. She smiles to me.

"Well he's a keeper" she says, turning around and walking to the stove.

"Dinners gonna be ready in a half hour" she says.

"Ok, thank you" I say.

"Of course. One night you'll have to have Danny over you know. It was nice of his parents to let you stay over" she says. I freeze. She doesn't know since I never told her, but Danny's pretty much an orphan. Well, technically he is.

"Umm... his parents didn't actually" I say, hesitant. She stops what she's doing, and turns around.

"So you slept over without them knowing?" She asks. I can tell I'm going to get a lecture... but that's only if that was the case.

"Danny's parents are dead mom..." I say. Her face kind of goes blank, and shocked. It's that 'I'm lost for words' expression.

"They died when he was 16" I finish. She still looks a bit shocked.

"That's... That's really tough to deal with at that age..." she says.

"That's really tough to deal with in general" she adds. I nod.

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