Chapter 9

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Simon's POV

——Time Skip Next Day——

Danny and I have spent every day, and every night together so far. Tomorrow is Saturday so he wants to take me out on a date tonight... it'd be our first real date and I'm beyond excited for it. He won't tell me where we're going. Again, he's a bit mysterious when it comes to certain things. I wish I could read what he is thinking or planning for this date tonight.

It's gonna be awkward going to class today. It's writing class, and Danny, my BOYFRIEND, still can't believe I can say that, beat the shit out of one of the guys who would glare at me.

I walk into writing class, and the seats where the four guys usually sit are empty. The whole class is empty actually. Did class get canceled and I just didn't check my email? I quickly open my phone, and look at my email. Lo and behold, my professor had sent out an email explaining that class had been canceled because she is sick. Lucky me then.

I turn around, and walking out into the hall. I'll kill time, and head to the parking lot by Danny's car. I pull out my phone, and go to his contact to text him.

Simon- Hey, apparently class was canceled today so I'm just in the parking lot by your car cause I don't wanna run into those guys again. Lmk when you're out of class and I'll meet you at paper club.

I click send. I don't expect an instant response since he's in class, and he's taking a test. I'd head to the paper room now but I'm pretty sure that it's also used as a classroom during these hours. I just lean against his car, and wait.

After around almost three minutes, my phone buzzes. I open it, and it's a text from Danny.

Danny- Alright babe. I'll be out of class in a few minutes and I'll come meet you in the parking lot so that we can walk there together.

Simon- You don't have to do that babe, it's ok

Danny- Idc, I'm doing it

Simon- Ok, thank you :)

Danny- I love youuuu

Simon- I love you toooooo

Danny- I'll cya in like... ten minutes? Probably less

Simon- Ok, walk safe babe haha

Danny- I'm not clumsy, am I?

Simon- Nah, but you did almost slip in the shower...


Simon- HAHA

Danny- I'll cya soon babe :)

Simon- Love youuuu

Danny- Love you toooo

I put my phone away, and just wait.

After around eight minutes, I see Danny walking towards the car. I smile, and start walking towards him. The second I get to him, he gives me a giant hug. His hugs are always warm.

"Herrow" he says.

"Hi" I say back, muffled into his chest. He's so warm.

"You ready?" He asks. I nod while still being against his chest.

"Ok haha" he says, laughing a bit.

We start walking towards the campus again. Danny grabs my left hand with his right hand, and we hold hands all the way there, but he keeps scanning with his eyes the whole campus. I'm just studying what he's doing.

"You ok there?" I ask. He looks towards me, and gives me a small smile.

"Do you feel like we're being watched by any chance?" He asks. That thought kicks in, and then so does the feeling.

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