Epilogue 2

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My name is Nick

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My name is Nick. Well, my full name is Nicole Brilee Snow. It's not your usual name, but that's because it was given to me by a group of children. When my mother "surrendered" me she didn't name me. I don't know what name was on the birth certificate at first but the foster system I was put in changed it once they chose my name. The system couldn't care less so it's customary for us to be named by each other. Before you get a name they all call you "greenie". I was greenie for three weeks before I became Nicole Brilee. My best friend in the system was called Anastasia. She named me, with the help of the others.

They chose Nicole because of the nickname Nick. "It's a man's world, we just power it. Having a man's name will help you later in life, trust me Nicki." Stasia would always tell me. And she was right, it has.

Brilee refers to a nobleman from a woodland meadow. Stasia always talked about running away with me and living in the woods or a quaint little meadow. Snow was the surname I earned when I was four, about a year before Henry was born. I won a snowball fight by accidentally hitting the warden in the face with a snowball.

I have had many nicknames throughout my life but snowflake was rare, and very endearing. Stasia was the only one in the system who called me that. She was six years older than me, and she took me under her wing. We would get separated and thrown into homes with random families, but we always ended up back at the orphanage together. We were the undesirables, the unlovables. But that was okay because we had each other.

When I was five and Stasia was 11, Henry was born. He was surrendered too, but he got to keep our mom's last name. I was only a child then, but they told me he was my responsibility. I got to name him. I was only five so I wasn't very creative. Henry Daniel Swan. Henry was after me and stasias friend who made it out of the system. Daniel just felt right to my five year old self, and I regret nothing. Swan was our mother's last name. I knew it was my name too but it didn't feel right, if she wanted me to have it she would have let me keep it too.

When Henry was two and I was seven Stasia made it out. She spent 13 years surviving on nothing, from neglectful foster parents to the hell hole that was the orphanage. That meant I was left to protect Henry on my own, and I vowed that that is what I would do. She found her forever family and I was so happy for her. I met them once when they visited her for the first time. They were wonderfully pleasant. I haven't seen her since.

A year after that me and hen made it out. But our awfully dull story doesn't end there. We were adopted by a single woman with short black hair and a professional style, named Regina mills. Names are very significant, and hers meant  queen. She certainly acted like one. When she adopted us she just wanted Henry, but the foster system was required to keep us together because we were each other's only known relatives. She took us both and legally changed Henry's last name to match her own, despite my abundant protests. She never even tried to change mine though.

I spent the next three years worshiping the ground she walked on. She was beautiful and flawless in every aspect. I wanted nothing more than to be like her one day, but she was always bitter towards me. It was apparent she only wanted Henry. So I had to prove to her that I could be good enough, worthy of her love. It never worked though. I gave up my desperate attempts to earn her approval when I was 11, the year of the remembrance.

The whole time we lived with Regina we went to school and bonded with the locals. No one ever left or came, so it was easy to make friends. I was never allowed to call Regina mom the way Henry was. I wasn't close with her at all, and I became closer with everyone else in Storybrooke than her. Especially Mary-Margaret Blanchard. She was my school teacher. On my first day we instantly clicked. When I found out she was a snow too, because Blanchard is a snow storm, I nicknamed her that. She's been snow to me ever since, and she's one of the few privileged people who calls me snowflake.

Throughout my time and storybrooke I struggled with feeling unworthy. I felt unwanted, unlovable. How could my own mother give me up? Why wasn't I good enough? She never even gave me the chance to prove that I could be. I felt so lost. Snow was the only person I told. To comfort me, she would tell me stories of people who felt the same way. They called themselves the lost boys, and they traveled on fearless adventures with their amazing leader Peter Pan. I was obsessed with the stories ever since, finding comfort in knowing I wasn't alone.

She also gave me and Henry a book of stories. He had a strong imagination, like myself. Somehow we are both convinced that the stories were true. We went on a crazy goose chase to track down our birth mom who was some great savior.

We got her to break the curse on our little town, and that day was henceforth known as remembrance day, because everyone remembered who they really were. That led to a lot of realizations. Snow, my snow, was actually my grandmother, snow white. My adoptive mother, Regina, was the evil queen, who cast the curse. Mr. Gold, the pawnshop owner I was quite close with, was actually Rumpelstiltskin. Emma, my birth mother, asked for our forgiveness along with Regina. Since then we've been building our relationships. I've gotten a little closer with Emma than Regina, but I know Regina is doing her best to change.

We found out that while Emma is both me and Henry's mother, we have different dads. Nothing changed for me and Henrys relationship. His dad was called Baelfire , or Neil, who was Rumple's son, making him Henry's grandfather. Rumple, another person who called me snowflake, although he calls me Nix which is Latin for snowflake, treats me like family regardless of bloodlines. He is also the dark one, and he has been training me in combat and magic since then.

My father was unknown until one day he showed up, and my parents remembered each other from that one night stand. Yeah, I said one, one time is all it takes. Use protection kids. My father is Killian Jones, also known as Captain Hook. We instantly bonded and as an attempt to grow as a family I spent 2 1/2 years aboard the jolly Roger with him, and Emma and Henry.

I joined the crew and spent the best 2 1/2 years of my life, traveling and adventuring every corner of the seven seas with him. Henry and Emma never left the ship when we went on raids or other escapades because he was so young. Eventually, I worked my way up to becoming my dad's best mate. The crew weren't ecstatic about having a girl join the crew at first, but they warmed up to me once they heard I had a man's name and I could tell them bedtime stories and sing songs. The crew reminded me of myself, the way they all were starved for the love of mother, so I never minded. I never felt lost when I was at sea with them.

After the two and a half years were up, we went back to Storybrooke for one and a half years. Today we're all going to this year's annual Remembrance Day party at granny's diner. I'm so excited. Granny was another one of those people who would always be there for me, hence why she is on the list of people who calls me snowflake.

Other than those lucky few, all my friends and family call me, Nicki. To the rest of the world, I am just Nick. I love my life now, but I still always have the lingering feeling that I don't belong. That I am lost. But as long as it means Henry is safe and happy, I would gladly be lost forever.


Hey pookies! What did y'all think of nick? Did anyone notice the maze runner reference at the beginning? Newts death scarred me for life😭😭. I can't wait for the next couple of chapters, I already have them written down so I just need to type them up, but I won't give you any spoilers. what do you guys think of the little pov things? I made them using the shuffles app if anyone is wondering. If y'all have any questions, suggestions, or comments let me know. I love to hear it! Lots of love y'all! Enjoy!

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