Operation: Lost and Found

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Nicki is gone

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Nicki is gone. I know we had a rough start to our relationship but ever since she gave me a second chance in her life, things have been great. Regina has changed from the bitter woman who once adopted her only because she was a package deal with Henry. I actually think that she and Regina were getting close. At the remembrance party yesterday, Regina told me she regretted how she mistreated Nicki and asked if I was okay with Nicki calling her mom, like Henry did.

But now that all doesn't matter because the last time we saw Nicki, she was being lifted in the air by some flying...thing. When we went back to the apartment the doors were still locked. Henry had run inside and grabbed Nicki's sword, but I think he could use some more lessons. When we asked what happened he told us that a shadow came to take him away, but Nicki took his place. Of course she did, she always put Henry first.

Seeing as there was nothing we could do at the time, we decided to sleep on it.


This morning we're all meeting up at Gold's pawn shop, more like Rumple's trinket hoard. We didn't want Henry to get involved because we didn't want to scare him. He insisted on staying at granny's because of the promise he made to Nicki to stay with one of us at all times. Me, Regina, Charming, Snow, Hook, and Rumple are here though.

'Alright dearies, does anyone care to explain what happened to my favorite granddaughter last night?' Even though Rumple wasn't blood related to Nicki like he was with Henry, those two were two peas in a pod. In every moment of her down time, they would train together and tell stories.

'Yeah what on god's green earth was that thing? It was so dark it looked like a shadow.' Charming's words caused everyone's face to drop.

'That's because it was a shadow honey.' my mom observed. I don't get it. Whose shadow kidnapped my daughter?

As if she was reading my thoughts, Regina says, 'Pan. I swear I am going to kill that boy.' I have heard of him from stories Nicki would relay from snow, but she always spoke about him with such admiration, like he was noble and sincere. From what everyone else is telling me, he is evil and a force to be reckoned with. But that's the thing about Nicki, she always sees the good in people, she always believes in you. She believed I could be the one to save them when she found me, she believes Regina is good, she believed that rumple was a changed man. She had been right about us, so why doubt her judgment when it came to pan?

'Sit down. You're not killing anybody on my watch.' I try to deescalate the situation.

' Then don't watch, swan. I'm surprised you're not just as furious as I am. She is our only daughter! If he so much as touches a hair on her perfect head, he will pay.' Regina fumes across the room and opens a dusty old book. She skims through the pages until she seems to find what she was looking for. She grabs an hour glass and starts mumbling something at it. Suddenly, the sand is glowing , and she flips it to start the time.

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