Rememberance day

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I don't usually wear clothes like this

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I don't usually wear clothes like this. Looking at myself in the mirror, I don't recognize myself. I have always wanted to be one of the girls who wears long beautiful gowns and other more feminine clothes, like the girls I have met when we returned to the enchanted forest. Everyone in the realms with magic are so gorgeous and regal looking. The world without magic just isn't the same. Despite spending the past four years in realms with magic, I don't dress or look like them. Since joining the Jolly Roger I wear a pirates clothing like the rest of the crew. I try my best to make the large mens clothing suit me. I usually wear a linen shirt from one of the chests and some slacks or the occasional floor length skirt, pinned up to my belt so I don't trip. I dress it up a bit though by throwing a corset over top and a bandana here and there with my thigh high boots . As much as my hair annoys me I don't want to cut it so it's normally thrown into a braid or a bun.

But not today. Today is Remembrance Day. Four years ago today I found my family, and they found themselves as well. Red chose my outfit. It's a checkered cropped top with long sleeves and buttons. The pants are elegant black slacks with gold accents on the sides. She curled my long brown hair and tied half of it with a ribbon, and I slipped into the short chunky heels she let me borrow.

I don't have many things that are precious to me, but the things I do have are the most important things in my life. The most valuable things in my life are my family, I would do absolutely anything for them. I lost them once and it won't happen again. Materially, I have a compass my dad gave me. Engraved on the lid it reads, 'what is life but one endless adventure.' I also have a pocket watch that Rumple gave me my first year in town. It is compact with a swirly gold design on the top, and two golden sparrows connecting it to the chain. I didn't know it until after the first remembrance but It has some kind of magic. I just don't know what, he says he doesn't either, but he knows everything. I have my daggers, which Regina gave me last year for my birthday. They were the first gift she ever gave me, and they replaced the old ones I had collected from raids and such. I know she is trying her best and I am so proud of her. My most invaluable possession is a necklace that Snow gave me. It is an anatomical heart and she gave it to me about a month after we met the first time. She doesn't remember where it came from but she knows it is something enchanted. It was the first gift I ever received and I haven't taken it off since.

'You look beautiful Nicki! Don't worry, tonight will be fine. I can tell you are stressed already. Henry is safe, Regina is making an effort, and everyone is happy. I think you spend so much time trying to make everything perfect for everyone else, you forget to enjoy life for yourself.' Red snapped me from my thoughts. 'We should head down to granny's now, I'm sure they have already started. But it's okay because when you look this good you are allowed to be fashionably late.' she joked with a wink. Red was like the older sister I had always wanted.

'Alright, you head out without me, I'm just gonna grab my cloak and lock up quick.' Ever since the day the curse was broken Storybrooke has been flourishing with magic, just like from the stories. Once Red is out of sight I grab all of my daggers and slip them into their holsters. I have six, one on my left upper arm, two long ones across my back, one on each thigh, and one on my right ankle carefully tucked into my shoe that is taking the place of my normal boots. I strap my scabbard to my belt and sheath the sword I took from a raid of one of Davy Jones' ships. Red says I don't need them on me at all times and I need to let my guard down once in a while, but my dad and rumple say that I am their best student because a good fighter is never left defenseless and unguarded. Although Rumple did cut off my dads hand, he was a different person then, they have set aside their differences for me and Henry's sake and they get along pretty well. They have both been training me in combat and magic, although I don't think I have any. Even so, I can still use magical objects, so once I have grabbed my clock and clipped it around my neck I lock the door to our apartment, which has been enchanted so you need to knock a certain way to open it.


This party is going great, just the way I like it. The small dinner is so familiar and quaint. Everyone is content and happy. Regina didn't show up to our first remembrance party. she wanted to but she was convinced that the others wouldn't want her there, a feeling I am all too familiar with. She wasn't wrong, but she wasn't right either. I had always seen the good in her, but the others needed a little more convincing. But now she was here and happy and everyone else was seeing the effort she was putting in to change. I noticed her coming towards me with a nervous look on her face, like she wanted to tell me something. I started to open my mouth to speak but she got pulled away by rumple.

The hum of everyone's chatter filled the room. I sat and watched the liveliness as everyone milled around making small talk and eating treats. I brought fresh chocolate chunk cookies and hot coco, kept warm by one of rumples enchantments. Call me basic, but I like to stick with the classics. And my chocolate chunk cookies are to die for. I have been here for about two hours and I can see Henry from the corner of my eye falling asleep sitting in the booth me and him always sit in.

'Hey mom, hen is knocked out. I'm gonna take him back to the apartment and put him to sleep. I'll stay with him, don't worry, he's safe with me.'

'I'm not worried about his safety, I know you could handle that just fine. You could take down anyone in the town with just one dagger. Are you sure you want to go home? I wouldn't want you to miss out.'

'Yea I'm sure, goodnight mom. I love you more.' I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

'love you most Nicki'

I went around telling everyone good night and that I loved them, making sure to give my dad, snow, rumple, and granny extra tight hugs. I always tell everyone I love you before I go, because you never know when the last time they heard it was. The first time I heard someone say I love you to me, other than Henry or Stassia, was when we agreed to give Emma a second chance at being our mom. Regina was a little different than the others, I was never allowed to hug her before she decided to be good. Now I can hug her fully and tell her I love her.

I picked up Henry in my arms and started heading down the street to our apartment, which we lived in with snow and charming. Henry is ten now, and he is growing up so fast, but he is still so small and light.


We get to the apartment and both of my hands are full with Henry in my arms and my cloak laying over him to protect him from the chilled night air. I can't believe I am about to do this right now. I used my head to tap the knock that would unlock the door, and I am so grateful no one saw that.

I take Henry over to the bed and tuck him in. I don't forget to give him a small peck on the forehead and whisper I love you to him, even though he won't hear.

I take off my sword and hang my cloak. I can't sleep, I need to stay up to watch over Henry until everyone else gets back. I know it's probably unnecessary, but it's always better to be safe than sorry. So instead of sleeping I sit down in the rocking chair next to the bed and hum a little tune to occupy me.

It was a song me and snow would sing together. 

Dancing bears, painted wings, things I almost remember, and a song someone sings, once upon a December, someone holds me safe and warm, horses dance through a silver storm, figures dancing gracefully across my memory. She said her mother taught it to her when she was my age. Far away, long ago, glowing dim as an ember, things my heart used to know, things it yearns to remember, and a song someone sings, once upon a December.

The window caught my attention when it flung open. I rushed over to it to see what happened. It wasn't that windy out a moment ago. I thought we locked the window? Without wasting any more time I close the window again, but when I turn around I am stunned by the scene that awaits me. Something tall and dark is hunched over Henry in his bed.


What could it possibly be??? I wonder... I was originally gonna put this all in one chapter but this is long as hell so i'm gonna break it into two. The song I used is once upon a December from Anastasia. That movie is a top their Disney move and it's so underrated. But my all time favorite is tangled, did you notice the reference? I always tell my mom I love you more and she always says I love you most. What's your favorite Disney movie? As always let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions or questions. Lots of love y'all!! 

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