Are you scared?

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Time works differently here

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Time works differently here. Days still pass. The moon and sun still rise and fall. However, the minute and hour hand on the clock are meaningless on the island.

You can't age here, but you aren't immortal. Though, the only way you can die here is to be killed.

The magic that causes this, that keeps the island alive and flourishing, also connects Peter to the island. I don't think he can die. I think if he dies the whole island dies, and vice versa.

Am I dead? I remember everything from last night so vividly. At least I think it was last night. How long have I been like this? I know I had lost some blood, and I could have likely drowned, but I swear someone pulled me out. Unless they weren't trying to save me.

I can't be dead. I won't die. Not like this. Not without saying goodbye. I have to wake up.

Gathering every last bit of strength I had in me, I forced myself into consciousness. I open my eyes, just enough to get a glimpse of my surroundings. I see a roof over my head. So I didn't drown at least. I must be in a hut.

'Is she asleep?' I relax when I recognize Devin's voice.

'No. I'm training to die.' I quip, fully opening my eyes. I start to sit up, a bit too quickly at first. Devin reaches out for me and puts a hand on my shoulder to help stabilize me. With some much obliged help from him, I sat up and leaned against the headboard behind me. Now that I am fully awake I can tell that I am in the med-hut.

Felix, the boy Devin was talking to earlier, walks over with something from a cabinet. 'Hey Nick. How are you feeling?'

'Hi Felix. I feel...' I have to pause because I don't know. My arm and thigh have been wrapped in big leaves covered in a thick green paste over each major cut. 'I feel fine.'

'Are you sure Nick? Some of those cuts were pretty deep. Do you want to talk about what happened?' I slowly made my way to my feet, but before I could give Devin an answer, someone else walked in. When we locked eyes, I knew he was the one that had saved me.

Felix slightly nodded his head, acknowledging his presence. He nodded back, doing the same with Devin. 'Boys.' he spoke, 'Thank you for tending to our patient this morning, but I will take it from here.' Obeying the foreign boys commands, Felix and Devin both started towards the door.

Felix stopped to hug me and give me his well wishes. He continued walking away and he said something else to the strange boy before leaving the hut.

When Devin came to hug me I whispered in his ear, 'Meet me in the food hut tomorrow morning and I will tell you everything.' He gave me a squeeze in response, and out he went.

I didn't acknowledge the boy left in the room with me. I have no clue of his intentions, let alone who he is. I don't remember meeting him with the other boys. Instead I made my way to the small tabletop and started to take the leaves off of me, and rinsing the paste off with the water from a bucket. I could feel him burning holes in the back of my head with his eyes, but still I try my best to pay him no mind.

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