Finding Feathers and Hunting Boys

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That's how I wake up in the mornings now I guess. Not that I'm complaining, it's much better than  other methods.

Reluctantly, I get up and out of my deliciously comfortable bed and make my way to the vanity. When I open medora's box again, it is full of clothes that seem perfectly my size. In it there is  a blouse-y white top with big sleeves, a black hard boned corset, black tights, and a red scarf. I slip into the shirt, then lace up the back of the corset. I pull on the tights and tie the scarf around my waist.

I mindlessly strap up all of my daggers, then go back to the box. Flipping the top up, I am met by a pair of boots and a hat. The boots are black leather, and when I slip my feet into them, they stretch up to the bottoms of my thighs.

The hat is a simple brown hat, but there is a vibrant red feather peaking out of the side. The blinding shade of carmine can only belong to one type of bird. The freedom phoenix is a strand of phoenix, even more rare than the original. Given the name, the mythological beast represents freedom. The legend says it holds the power to free anyone from any confinement, deal, or curse. Pirates like me and my crew have been searching for it since long before my time.  I reach out to touch it, and it feels like air beneath my fingers. I wonder how it got to this hat, or why the box thinks I need it. Im not cursed, or confined. Not really at least. I suppose I can't really leave Neverland, but Im not a prisoner here. If anything, I almost feel less locked up here than I did anywhere else. I feel, like I belong here. In some ways, I feel at home.

Sitting at the mirror, I use the hair brush -and hair tie I found with it- to throw my hair into a lose braid. Then, opening the box one last time, I find my compass and pocket watch. I slip them into my pockets and ensure my necklace is securely around my neck.


'Good mornin'nick!'

'Oh! Good morning..?'

'Key. My names Key.' the boy in front of me, Key, fills in.

'Well it's lovely to make your acquaintance Key.' I stuck out my hand.

He looked at my hand funny for a moment, then decided it was better to ignore it. Instead of shaking it he threw his arm over my shoulder and moved us forward.

The moment I opened my door to leave my room, he was waiting for me. He looked to be around my age, if not slightly older. His hair is dark and curly, but his skin is a rich shade of deep brown that resembles the raw earth in a way poets could only begin to describe. His eyes are a deep blue, like the sea when a storm is rolling in. I remember him from the other day. He has the kind of smile that instantly brightens a room and makes you smile too with no specific reason.

'Hey, Key?'

'Yup niki?'

'Well, not that I don't want to hang out with you, it's just, where are we going?'

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