Epilogue 1

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"Peter! Peter! Come in peter! It's time for supper!" My mother's voice bellowed through the woods of the enchanted forest before she blew a whistle to call me home

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"Peter! Peter! Come in peter! It's time for supper!" My mother's voice bellowed through the woods of the enchanted forest before she blew a whistle to call me home. The enchanted whistle was one I could hear from anywhere in the world, and only I could hear it. It was a gift from the queen of our forest, given to us in return for a favor from my parents. I was just starting to head to my family's cottage when, seemingly out of nowhere, a cloud of black smoke swirled in front of me.

Born from the cloud of smoke, a tall and scaly man stood. He had shoulder length, greasy black hair. His reptile-like skin was silver and shiny, but not unusual compared to other creatures who live in the enchanted forest. I had never seen this man before though, and we know all of the people in our village.

"Hello dearie!" he said with a pitchy tone.

'Hello Mr. Im Peter, Peter Pan. You must be new to the village. Would you like directions somewhere?'

'Oh I know exactly where I am, I am not lost, but soon you will be.'

With that he grabbed me by my collar and dragged me away with him. I could hear my mother calling in the distance, each call with a little more desperation in her voice. I tried to call back to her, to plead for help, but it was like I couldn't move my mouth. We came to an abrupt stop and he dropped me on my behind. I regained control of my jaw and looked at the cruel man.

' Why are we here? Why did you take me from my mum and father? What do you want with me?'

'Your parents made a deal, and they couldn't hold up their end. I don't like when people can't hold up their end of a deal.' he said with a scarily straight face. 'This is his punishment. He broke his promise and so now I will take away the thing he loves most.'

'Why? who's to say I won't just run back to them?' I hurled with a sense of bravery.

'Go ahead and try boy,' he snapped his fingers and a couple sparks flew from them,' They won't care. They won't even remember who you are.'

I ran, and I ran fast. We weren't too far from the cottage so I arrived quickly. I went in and saw my parents sitting at the table eating supper. Without me? They never eat supper without me.

'Mum, pa?' I whispered, afraid that what the crocodile man said was true. My suspicions were confirmed when my father looked at me like I was crazy and my mother started to shoo me off saying I was in the wrong home. Quickly I snatched the whistle and the chain off of her neck and ran.

I ran for what seemed like forever until my legs gave out and I fell against the base of a tree to rest. It was only then that I felt the salty tears rolling down my face as I sobbed. I kept crying for a while and I hadn't noticed the croc had returned. He towered over me, 'What do you want? I have nothing left for you to take! I am alone! I have no home! I am lost!' I croaked out.

'You're right dear, you are lost, but it still isn't enough.' he grabbed something small from his pocket and threw it harshly against the ground, creating a glowing ultraviolet tunnel to nowhere in particular. In one swift movement he kicked me into the hole and I was falling.


I fell for what felt like hours. When I stopped falling I was on the sand, on a beach I didn't recognize. I pushed myself up and looked around. I have no clue where I am.

I have been wondering for a while, I can't tell how long exactly though. The sun is about to go down and it is just nothing but endless jungle here. I am walking when I see a blob of darkness hurl past me. Now they're more of them, they are multiplying by the second.

I try to run but they are hurdling at me at full speed from every direction. I narrowly dodged their attacks and I can hardly see. I am stumbling my way through the darkest part of the woods and in the distance I can hear the horrible shrieks and cries of small children. All of the sudden I feel a sharp pain from my entire back side. I fall down and I can't seem to think, until everything fades into nothing at all.


When I finally manage to pry open my eyes I can see that it's day time again. It is bright out and when I sit up I can tell I am no longer in the same part of the forest I was in before.

'Hello Peter' , a soft squeaky voice catches my attention. when I turn my head to look I see no one. 'Over here silly!' it cooed again. This time when I look down in front of me I see a small glowing bug-like creature. ' I'm Tinkerbell, but you can call me Tink.'

'who..what are you?' I stuttered out.

'I am a fairy, a pixie to be exact. Don't worry me and the rest of the fae on the island are seelie. So, pan, what are you doing on Neverland?'


That all happened 11 years ago. The pixies explained everything to me about Neverland and how my shadow was ripped from my body. I found out that the crocodile man was called Rumpelstiltskin, and he cursed me to bind me to the island. They used some of their magic to let me age, but only until I turned 16, which is how old I am now and will be for the rest of my endless days on Neverland. I command the shadows now, I can feel everyone's presence on the island. Since then Neverland has become my home. I was lost that day but not anymore. This 'curse' was really a blessing.

I was the first human to step foot on the island. With my curse I was not only connected to the island, but its magic as well. I have many magical gifts and I use them to help other boys who are lost. I can sense a lost boy, and when I do I bring them here to join me and my boys on my island. We have made quite the life here together and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

That day when my parents didn't recognize me changed me. I was no longer the weak little boy who was forgotten and lost. Now I won't need to be lost again and neither will my boys. I will do anything to make sure of that, anything. I am known as a villain and that is just the way I like it. no one crosses a villain.

My boys are my only family and I theirs. They were lost because they had their blood family ripped aways from them, like me, and that is why they escaped to never land. So I won't let them go through that again. That is why, while I wish they had a motherly figure, I don't let girls on the island. They would only grow attached and end up broken hearted again. Then where would they escape to?

Today I have to go to the map maker in a little village in the enchanted forest. I don't know exactly how long I will be gone, but it will be about three days. I leave my best lost boy, by far the closest person to me in my secluded life- and my second in command, in charge. With that I sprinkle myself with some pixie dust and think a happy thought, and I am off.


Hello to anyone who might be reading this! my name is Hailey Marie! What's yours? I just wanted to let anyone who actually cares know that I will be updating frequently. I already have several chapters written I just have to type them up. I will be updating at least twice a week, if not more. Feel free. to comment and let me know if I screwed anything up of if you just have advice or questions. The first parts are gonna be a little drab and boring, but I promise you it gets better! please stick around!There are two epilogues, one for Peter and one for nick. I can't wait for y'all to read and get to know nick, I put so much effort into her backstory and I have made things to go at the beginning of chapters to show like what she is waring and such. This story really starts getting good at the fourth chapter I swear. I will be updating and publishing those next ones most likely by tomorrow, so definitely check that out. okay, Lots of love y'all!

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