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Once I regained consciousness, I heard hush voices surrounding me

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Once I regained consciousness, I heard hush voices surrounding me. I waited, unmoving, and listened to what they were saying. I could tell almost immediately that I was surrounded, and seemingly by a group of boys. 

"Why is there a new boy so late?" one voice complained.

"Why does he look like that?"

"His hair is so long."

"What are those lumps on his chest?"

Many distant murmurs came from the crowd. I felt a small poke on my right shoulder that turned me onto my back. Knowing my vulnerable front side was now exposed, I took this as my opening. In one swift movement, I tore my eyes open, pulled the dagger from one of my holsters, and backed away from the boy in front of me. I knew it was nighttime, but it wasn't dark like in the city. The sky was clear, and the twinkling stars were mesmerizing. I only got to look a second longer when the boy hidden by the hood of a cloak in front of me spoke up. "Woah boy! It's okay we won't hurt you!" He jumped slightly at the sight of my knife. Unfaltering, I only fixed a glare on the mysterious figure.

Only then did he realize he was still holding the enormous stick he used to roll me over and dropped it. I kicked it to the side without getting up from where I sat. He slowly crouched down to my level and removed his hood. He had a long face with a scar on his right cheek, going from under his eye to the corner of his lips. He had messy blonde hair that looked as if it hadn't been washed in ages, with a couple of feathers tied in that hung down to his shoulders. His clothes were tattered slightly but they looked proper for the setting.

There are so many thoughts racing my head right now I feel as though I might explode. Where am I?

"Welcome to Neverland. I'm Felix, these are the lost boys, but you can meet them all later. You must be exhausted." He announced. He must be the leader here. "What's your name, boy?"

I hadn't realized it yet, but my hair almost completely covered my face. I moved it away and spoke, "My name is Nick, and I am not a boy." It made it a bit easier to fake my confidence when, simultaneously, all of the boys around me gasped and shuffled a bit in shock. Holding my dagger in defense I rose to my feet, 'Felix' following my actions.

"It's a girl!" one boy gasped.

"Is she our new mom?" a younger one asked.

"How did a girl get onto the island?"

That got my attention. So I'm in a jungle on an island inhabited solely by boys? How peculiar. "I was brought here by your stupid shadow puppy thing."  "What do you want from me?" I demanded more than questioned.

"You didn't summon the shadow?" Felix questioned back.

"No. Why would I ask to be stolen in the night?" I  spat out venomously.

"What if Pan brought her here? Like he did when he chose Key and Bea?" A boy directed at Felix.

"No. Pan is meeting with the map maker in the enchanted Forest. He won't return for two more days." Felix mentioned a pan, but in my haze of shock and lack of sleep, I couldn't remember where I recognized it from.

"So the shadow just chose her and brought her? He can't do that!" A boy angrily.

"Enough! Everyone! It's late and regardless of how she came, she is here and she's lost too. So we will treat her as such until Pan returns to decide what to do with her. To the home tree!'' After Felix's speech, all of the boys started to run. Felix nodded in the direction they were headed to entice me to follow. I'm tired, and I have nowhere to go, and besides, he just gave a speech about how they will treat me as one of themselves, whomever they are, so what harm will come? I sheathed my dagger and made my way forward.

The boys were swinging their way through the trees and giddily chanting and crowing as they made their way 'home'. Then, all at once it stopped as they all crowded around a tree with only stumps for limbs. It seemed to be the only tree in the lush woods, not full of green and life. Felix walked up to the tree and pushed a small knot in the side. All of a sudden all of the stumps opened and the boys started piling in. Confused, I leaned over one of the trap door-like openings and saw a slide made out of the tree inside. I glanced at Felix and he nodded. I hopped in, Felix right behind me, and slid down.

I reached a landing and saw a glorious sight. Despite the mess, it was a big, roomy, and open space. The inviting room seemed to be made out of the tree itself, but it was full of greenery inside. On the left side of the room was another tree, but this one was lush and it hung like a canopy over part of the room. There was a big chair and behind it was a small wall with three doors. There were several hammocks around the room, and even some nooks carved into the wall that were made into beds. The boys were scattered across the great room, making themselves comfortable and their designated sleeping spots, several boys sleeping in the branches of the tree. I was taken out of my shock when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Instinctively I grabbed the wrist and briskly turned it so I had their arm uncomfortably held against their back. I released him as soon as I realized it was Felix. I apologized and took a step back. I don't want to blow my chances of survival in just the first night.

"It's all right, everyone's a bit jumpy on the first night. Don't worry, I will explain everything tomorrow and show you around. For now, I think we all need some rest. Follow me." Obeying what he said, we maneuvered to a small hammock near the top of the tree. After the climb, he said, "You can sleep in my hammock tonight until we you find a permanent spot. I will sleep on this branch next to you if you need anything."

"Thank you, Felix, for everything that you're doing for me. Good night." I said as I pulled myself into the hammock.

"Of course, I remember my first night. Good night, Nick." The hammock smells musky and natural like bonfire smoke and the woods. It was comfortable and I was sleep-deprived so I fell asleep quickly, only thinking about how Henry was back home.


OooOooooo!! It's getting interesting!!!! Also i just started to post on neobooks aswell so if yall would prefer to read it there you can. It's the same username if anyone's wondering.I absolutely love hang mans tree from the original cartoon so that's what I was imagining the home tree to be like. If yall have any questions comments or suggestions don't hesitate to lmk! Loves of love!!!

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