Sleeping in a New Bed

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A lot just happened.

Peter said I could stay. That's good

He also said that once I became one of his lost boys I would always be his. I don't know if that's good or bad.

He also said that I was the "chosen one". I have absolutely no clue what that could mean, or if it's a good thing or not.

What I do know, is that I have a roof over my head, a big bed, a new set of clothes, and a place to stay until my family finds me. This isn't so bad. I have these boys now on my side. I am not alone.

And I don't have that lost feeling anymore. I feel, sanctity. There is no void in my chest here. Maybe it's because all of the people here with me are lost too. Or maybe, it is because we are all lost together, that none of us are really lost at all.

Saints. Looking up at the room before me, I realize I have never seen something so homey yet magical at the same time before. In the center of the back wall of the room, a tree grows from the ceiling to the floor. Its base is almost wide enough to span across the whole wall, and it is hallowed out. In the empty space is a giant, fluffy bed. Hanging from the top of the tree nook above the bed is a mossy mobile, strung with winged keys.I can see a couple of book shelfs inside of the tree base and there are other books littered on shelfs across the room. On the left of the door I am standing in front of, there is a large wooden armoire pushed up against the wall. There are vines and plants growing from every nook and cranny of the ceiling, making the room feel all the more mystical. On the right wall of the room there is a cluttered vanity with an antique looking mirror. Along another wall is a body length mirror framed by greenery and flowers.

It takes everything in me to not throw myself straight onto the bed and sleep for the rest of eternity. Instead, I look at my self in the long mirror, and realize how right Peter was when he mentioned how close to nude I had become. My clothes were barely hanging onto my body at this point, and I have no clue what fate was met by my shoes.

I cautiously set down the beautiful box Peter gifted me, and flip open the top. Not much to my surprise, It holds all the things I require. There is a simple green velvet nightgown, trimmed with a slightly darker green lace. I changed out of my raggedy clothing and into the pajamas, and merlins beard, this is the softest thing to have ever touched my skin.

Moving to sit at the vanity, I close the box and open it again. This time there is a hair brush inside. I took my time brushing the distraught tangles from my hair. It reminds me of the times stassia used to brush out my hair before bed at night because I would always try to rush. She told me to always start at the bottom and work your way up. Stassia was always gentle and patient with everything. Over the years, I like to think, I have grown up to be a lot like her.

Though I have clean clothes on and my hair no longer looks like a rats nest, I still feel slightly dirty from the lingering smell of salt water on my skin. It's nothing I'm not used to by now though, seeing as how I lived with a bunch of men on a big boat for almost three years.

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