An afternoon swim

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This morning I woke up to the sound of the boys crowing

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This morning I woke up to the sound of the boys crowing. I wonder why they do that so often. I climbed down the tree and went up the stairs with the lost boys.

Today I helped make breakfast. I had some boys gather some herbs and edible plants from the woods while I diced up some leftover meat from dinner. I got down one of the pans from the food hut and went over to the ever-burning fire. There must be some kind of spell that keeps the flames from dying. I taught the boys how to use the meat and plants with the eggs to make an omelet instead of the same old flavorless scrambled eggs every day.

We made what felt like a million omelets and set them out on the long table. Everyone grabbed a plate and started to walk away. "Where are they going?" I asked Devin, a lost boy I befriended while cooking.

"To find a place to sit and eat. Why? " Ignoring Devin's question, I put my index finger and thumb against my lips and let out a whistle that echoed for miles. Snow taught me a whistle tune that we could use to find each other in the woods. The two notes weren't common in nature, so it was easy to recognize. Upon hearing my whistle, the boys stopped and turned to face me. "Where do you boys think you're going? We made the food as a family, so we're going to sit together and eat it like a family. "

The boys nodded and hummed their responses, taking a seat. Three the boys scoffed and scowled in a disrespectful manner. They were the only three that seemed to have a problem with me, but it's fine seeing as I probably won't last much longer here. Once we were all seated, the boys began to talk and eat. The continuous buzz of noise and clanking of cutlery reminded me of Granny's. I went to my pocket watch to check the time, but I remembered how time works here, or rather, doesn't work. Hence why my watch hasn't moved since I arrived.


We finished eating and then cleaned. After checking with Felix, who said he was going to stay in the main camp in case Peter came back early, me and Devin went to the training center. I was skilled in hand-to-hand combat and in school I thrived in science, so pyrotechnics came easily, but I was strongest in archery and swordplay.

Me and Devin practice for a long time and swapped stories from our worlds. Devin was nice to talk to and he was a very good listener. Devin told me he was going to grab his cloak so we could go on a walk along the beach, but he told me not to wait up.

So I went ahead, walking slowly so I didn't go too far. I didn't have my cloak with me, since I left in Storybrooke, but it wasn't too chilly. The beach is beautiful, and it reminds me of home. I followed the shore until it was broken by a small section of forest. Devin knows his way around so I'm not too worried about him catching up.

Curious, I follow the strip of trees a bit further ahead. I can see there is a large stretch of water that seems to be connected to the main body of water via underground caves. The water looks dark and I can't see the bottom. I can tell I am close to dark hollow, and heeding Felix's warnings I decide to go back.

Just as I turn I feel a hard chest against my face, but when I look up it isn't Devin. No, it's not Devin, but the three boys who were scowling earlier at breakfast. I can tell they don't like me and I don't want to cause any trouble so I back up a step, almost tripping into the water.

'Why'd you take it, huh?' the boy with the black and red mohawk interrogated. He seemed to be the leader of their little trio.

'Pardon me? I didn't take anything? What are you talking about?'

'You know, stealing is against the rules. It's a punishable offense.' One of his entourage grabbed my arm, the other creeping to the other side of me doing the same. I don't like where this is going. My main love language is physical touch, but this isn't very loving.

Preparing myself for what is about to happen, I reach for a dagger on my thigh. Only when I go to grab it, it's not there. The boy infront of me gives me a shove and continues to yell about me stealing something. Damn it! I can tell this is gonna get ugly, and since I left my daggers in the training arena, the three boys have the upper hand.

The boy's grips on my arms get objectively tighter, and I can tell it's gonna bruise. 'I didn't take anything!' I yell, fed up with this pointless arguement. That seemed to set him off, so he shot his foot up and into my gut, throwing me into the water behind me. Stupid boy, I lived on the water for the better part of my life, you can bet I know how to swim.

My confidence fades when I feel something grab my ankle and sweep me under the surface of the muggy water. Even with my head under water I can hear them humming their low tunes. Sirens.

I fight the vile creature off of me as much as I can, kicking and thrashing to free myself. I managed to get my head out of the water and do the best thing I could think of, scream for help. 

'I didn't take it! I didn't take anything! Devin! Felix! Peter! Peter! I didn't take anything! Please!' My voice sounded raspy as I tried to project its volume back to camp. 

The last thing I heard before being pulled back into the depths was the boy smugly saying, 'Have a lovely afternoon swim.'

The long, sharp claws of the slimy, evil, menacing mer-monster cut deep into my skin. One grabbed a hold of my left leg, while the other dug its talons into my right arm. I'll fight them as long as I can, but I am running out of oxygen.

This is what I get for taking Red's advice and letting my guard down. If I ever see her again, she will never hear the end of this.

Just as I am giving up, I feel a splash in the water near us. I turn my head to see a boy I don't recognize. He does something that gets the sirens to leave and swims to me. He is so close to me I can see every freckle on his perfectly handsome face. He is clad in forest green with leather cufflinks on either wrist. He has messy light brown hair, flowing freely with the water, and deep green eyes. I don't get to look at him nearly as long as I would like because I am starting to see spots and he has grabbed me by my waist and is starting to bring me back ashore.

I feel myself being lifted from the water and set down gently. We were both dripping wet and I could feel the blood spilling from my arm, the wound from the siren burning from the salty water. He is mumbling random nonsense as he rushingly tries to sit me up and help me cough up the water.

I cough a couple of times, sputtering out water with every exhale. My vision is clouding and my mind is getting foggy. I could feel the cold sweat seeping from my pores and beading on my forehead. The last thing I see before I am out cold are those piercing green eyes. Then the world went black.


Omg!! The drama! So if you didn't already guess, the strange lost boy nick hasn't seen before who came to her rescue, that was Peter! The next chapter is gonna be in his pov. Doing Peters pov is definitely a challenge for me, but I want to incorporate other peoples povs as well. i'm gonna do one of Emma's povs soon too. I don't want to make nick seem weak because she can't defend herself, bc she is such a girl boss and she totally can, but this is the meet-cute!! and it's just in time for valentines day! If you have any suggestions questions or comments lmk, and don't forget to vote comment and follow! don't be a silent reader pls, lmao! Lots of love y'all!!!

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