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'Henry! Move!' I lunged for the thing, but my hand seemed to pass through it

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'Henry! Move!' I lunged for the thing, but my hand seemed to pass through it. Magic is a blessing and a curse. Henry was awake now and shuffling away from me and the blob. It kept trying to get to Henry. 'Hey hen, now's your que to run! Go get mom and rumple! Get help fast! Lock the door behind you!' He did as was told and booked it out the door, while I tried my best to slash the untouchable thing with one of my daggers.

The creature grabbed my wrists and pinned me to a halt. How could it touch me but I can't touch it? Why did it look like a colorless human? 'What do you want with Henry? You can't have him!' I seethed.

Its voice was unnaturally deep and haunting, 'I am taking someone away with me, there is nothing you can do.'

I can not believe I am being underestimated by a shadow right now! He looked like a shadow of a boy around my age. I have heard of people whose shadows got ripped out before. 'You will never get him. Not over my dead body.' I enunciated.

'Then I will just have to take you'

In a moment's notice we were at the window, the two sides of it flying open. I didn't have time to protest before my feet were being lifted off the ground and I was being dragged through the air by my wrists. I looked down below me and I could see my family hurtling down the street.

'Mom, Henry!' I screamed until my throat was raw from yelling so much. Before I was too far away I made sure the last thing I would do is try to protect Henry. 'Henry don't go anywhere without one of them with you! Keep Henry safe! I love you!' I watched them until I couldn't see them anymore, and when I looked up we were flying right at a bunch of stars. I recognized the North Star but we didn't go there. Instead we flew to the second one just to the right. We flew so close I thought we would catch fire but instead we just flew into it, it acting as a portal between realms.

Once we had crossed over to this new realm I could see water, a lot of water, and a large area of land. The silent figure carrying me through the night sky just continued to hover me over a bunch of trees and right above a small empty area. Then, after kidnapping me, he did the last thing I expected. He dropped me!

I fell from our unnaturally high position In the air until I hit the ground, landing roughly on sticks and pebbles. I hit my head pretty hard and before I blacked out, I saw the ball of darkness fly to a dark mountain like boulder that looked like a skull and disappear inside.


Okay so I did leave you on a bit of a cliffhanger there, sorry for that. What are y'all thinking so far? You y'all like the longer chapters of the shorter ones like this? I NEED FEEDBACK PEOPLE!! I also need some advice. I don't have a valentine, or a boyfriend at all, but I'm lonely and I low-key want one tbh. What should I do? Let me know any suggestions, comments or questions. Lots of love!! bye!!!

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