Not so lost

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 I opened my eyes and sat up slowly, taking in my surroundings once more

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I opened my eyes and sat up slowly, taking in my surroundings once more. My neck was a bit stiff from the angle I slept in, but the hammock made quite a nice bed. I clambered down the itree to see none of the boys from last night. I reached out for my pocket watch to check the time but it still read midnight. I think I must've broken it last night when I hit the ground.

In my head, I made a checklist of all my belongings and everything I know so far. I have six of my blades with me, scattered in holsters from head to toe. I have my broken pocket watch, my compass, and most importantly I have my necklace from snow. But what do I know? Well, I know I'm on an island full of boys, most likely magical in some way, but I can't recall its name. I remember meeting Felix, and him saying something about their leader being away so he was in charge. Lastly, I know my family is looking for me. By now they probably got Henry safe and told everyone I was gone. I miss everyone already, even Regina.

I took one last glance around and headed up the spiral wooden staircase to the camp set up outside. One thing I hadn't remembered from last night was how beautiful the forest really is. It is so full of life. Not far from me, I see all the boys from last night. Some are sitting on stumps and rocks or hanging tree branches while others are idly walking by.

With a dagger in my fist I make my way towards Felix. I walked to him and he handed me a large, thick leaf, in place of a plate, with an egg on it and a small wooden carved fork. "Good morning, Nick! After your breakfast, I'll give you a tour and tell you everything you need to know. You can ask me any questions you have then. Afterwards, you can meet the rest of the boys."

"Thanks?" I said almost like a question.

Once he noticed I was holding my knife, he said, "Don't worry, we don't bite. You are one of us as long as you're here. Until pan returns and decides your fate, you're safe with us." I remember him mentioning this guy and my fate last night. I want to know more but for now I'll let it be.

I ate quickly, and Felix took me to a small hut. We went inside, and it was somewhat of a kitchen. It had a sink and lots of shelves full of disorganized, handmade kitchenware. "We can start here. This is the food hut. We store our game in the food cabinets and the pots and pans and such." I dispose of my plate and fork in the sink and followed Felix as he spoke "This is the main camp. We cook our food over the fire and eat all of our meals there." he pointed to a large fire at the center of the camp. It was dancing with raging flames. Around it was logs used as seats and not far off to the side was a long table which they had set the food on.

Continuing forward, Felix told me, "here is the medical tent." a small hut with a couple beds, and cabinets I assume could only hold first aid supplies. "Next to the training arena." It was a large lifted wooden platform deck with weaponry and equipment, ranging from archery targets and bows with arrows, to wooden bats, and a couple of small bags. I wonder what kind of weapon they use that could fit into a small pocket sized drawstring bag?

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